
Volume 3 Issue 09 Sep 2015

Title: A Survey of Denture Hygiene in Older Patients

Authors: Roshene.R, Ponkirubha Robin*, James D Raj


Title: Isolated Talar Dislocation without a Fracture: An Unusual Presentation

Authors: Dr Dibakar Ray, Dr Ashok Kumar Chanda, Dr Srikanta Tagore Sarkar, Dr Somnath Tirkey, Dr Ashik Iqubal, Dr Wrrtik Porel


Title: Causes of death among people living with HIV/AIDS attending tertiary care hospital, Mandya, Karnataka, India

Authors: Dr Rekha.M.C, Dr Shivakumar.K.M, Dr G.M.Prakash, Dr Manju.B, Dr Suresh.C, Dr Ravikumar.M.B.


Title: Haemothorax in Thalassaemia May be a Complication of Rupture of Intrathoracic Extramedullary Haematopoiesis

Authors: Anirban Chatterjee, Suman Sarkar, Amrita Roy


Title: Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma Arising From Maxillary Antrum in a Adult: A Rare Case Report

Authors: Amod Kumar, Anju Singh, Sanjeet Kumar Singh, M.A. Muzaffar, Subhash Chandra Jha, Shahab Raza, Rakesh Kumar Singh


Title: A Rare Case of Invasive Mole with Silent Uterine Perforation- A Case Report

Authors: Renuka Jindal, Sujata Sharma, Upasna Oberoi


Title: Case Study Regarding Drug Abuse

Author: Kamaljit Kaur


Title: Treatment for Lower One Third Fractures of Tibia by Interlocking Nailing

Authors: Suresh Reddy.S, Obulapathy.D.


Title: A Study of Histopathological Pattern of Ovarian Neoplasms and their Age Distribution in A Tertiary Care Hospital of South India

Authors: Dr Vinay Kumar R, Dr B Rammohan Rao, Dr Epari Sanjeeva Rao


Title: Aerobic Bacterial Isolates from Burn Wound Infection Patients and their Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern

Authors: Sangeetha C Patil*, Mariraj Jeer, Krishna S


Title: Plastination of Brain Using Orthocryl: A Viable Alternative?

Authors: Subhendu Pandit, Tripti Shrivastava, Sushil Kumar


Title: Comparison of Thoracotomy with Median Sternotomy Approach for Intra Cardiac Operations

Authors: Dr. Ishtyak Ahmed Mir, Dr. Abdul Ghani Ahangar


Title: Clinical Evaluation of Sequential Application of Pulsed Dye Laser with 1064 Neodymium: Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet Laser in the Treatment of Psoriasis

Authors: Dr Hisham A. Shokeir, Dr Nevien A. Samy, Dr Maha R. Abo-Eittah, Dr Mohamed M. Soliman, Dr Noha G. Abdallah


Title: Esthetic and Conservative Treatment Approach for Discolored Teeth: Case Report

Authors: Dr Varun Arora, Dr Neeraj Mittal, Dr Varun Nagpal, Dr Priyanka Setia, Dr Arvind Garg


Title: Effectiveness of Lactational Counseling on Breast Engorgement and Newborn Feeding Behavior among Primigravidae at Sri Ramachandra Hospital

Authors: Ms. Reena, Dr S. Rajeswari, Mrs. R. Sumathi


Title: Prognostic Significance of VEGF and bFGF in Egyptian CLL Patients

Authors: Aly Fouad  NT, Khodair SS, Farweez BA,  Fathey HA, Elsalakawy WA


Title: Comparison of Pre and Post Operative Corneal Astigmatism following Pterygium Excision and Conjunctival Autograft

Authors: Dr Abha Gahlot, Dr Rupali D. Maheshgauri, Dr Priti Kumari, Dr Debapriya Datta


Title: Diccphalus Dipus – Triradious A Rare Conjoined Twin Delivered By Caesarean Section At Term – A Case Report

Authors: Dr Arifa Jan, Dr Jameela, Dr Abdul Hamid


Title: Evaluation of Neuroprotective Activity of Bauhinia Variegata on Reserpine Induced Catalepsy in Rats

Authors: Vishakha Trivedi*, Mrs Rachana D. Sarawade**, Siddhi Mehta, Ayyub Shaikh


Title: Comparison of Ramosetron with Ondansetron for Prevention of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting in Patients Undergoing Gynecological Surgery

Authors: Abhimanyu Singh*, M Srinaivas, Anu Sai Krishna K.S


Title: Wilms' Tumor in Children: An Experience of SIOP Protocol from Tertiary Centre

Authors: Anirban Chatterjee, Malay Kumar Sinha, Suman Sarkar,Bidhan Chandra Roy,Risavdeb Patra


Title: Myaesthenia Gravis: An Anaesthetic Challenge

Authors: Dr Anuradha Malliwal, Dr Rochana Bakhshi, Dr Meenal Agarwal


Title: Histopathological study of the effect of Ultraviolet light on the liver injury healing in Rats (Sprague-Dawley)

AuthorsAbdulbari A Al.faris, Luay Ahmed Naeem, Ammar Maatoq Hashim


Title: Investigating the Effect of Therapeutic Taping on Trunk Posture and Control in Cerebral Palsy Children with Spastic Diplegia

Author: Marwa M. Ibrahim


Title: Risk factors for Osteoporosis in Women Forty Years and Above in Arar City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA)

Authors: Nagah Mohamed Aboel-Fetoh, Abdelrahman Abukanna, Ahmed Hamad, Hafiz O Ibn Idris; Naglaa Adlan; Shereen M Olama


Title: Influence of Cervical Collar on Vertebral Artery Blood Flow

Authors: Ebtessam khattab Gad El Mawla, Abeer Abo Bakr El Wishy, Mohammed El Sayed El Awady, Mohammad A. Farrag, Abd El Hamied Ibrahim El Sayed


Title: A Study on Effect of Anaemia on Leucocyte and Platelet Counts in Anaemic and Non Anaemic Young Females at RIMS, Raichur

Authors: Dr Ayesha Anjum, Dr Vijay Krishna K, Dr Shivanand K.G


Title: Role of Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient as a predictor of response to Endoscopic Variceal Ligation in patients of Cirrhosis with Esophageal varices

Authors: Gul Javid, Ghulam Mohd Gulzar, Shoib Mohd Patto, Mohd Sultan Alie, Showkat Ali Zargar


Title: Secondary Glaucoma: Treatable Visual Threat in Uveitis?

Authors: Dr Sanjoy Chowdhury MS.DO.DNB,Dr Hitesh Patel, Dr Pratik Bhosale,Dr Kavita Prasad, Nilanjan Chowdhury


Title: Treatment  of  Pemphigus  Vulgaris  in  a  Patient  with  Avascular  Necrosis  using  Cyclophosphamide

Authors: Dr Anand Jagdish Asia, Dr Vaibhav Tapre, Dr Gajendra Raghuvanshi


Title: Abnormal Origin of Common Hepatic Artery-A Case Report

Authors: Dr Sarita Behera, Dr Bijaya Kumar Dutta, Dr Mamata Sar,Dr Manoj Kumar Dehury


Title: Pseudomyxoma Peritonei

Authors: Dr Nikita Gandotra, Dr Abhinav Sharma


Title: Self Medicated Abortion- Care or Crime

Authors: Dr Meena Jethani, Dr Kalpana Yadav, Dr Shilpi Muchhoria, Dr Shubhangi Sharma, Dr Monika


Title: Mysterious Mesenteric Mass- an Unusual Presentation of Hodgkin’s Disease

Authors: Indu Manicketh, Anuradha Ananthamurthy, Namita Sinha


Title: Tracheal Reconstruction Using Pericardium in Emergency as a Life Saving Procedure in Cases of Severe Tracheal Stenosis

Authors: Dr Dheeraj Sharma, Dr Anula Sisodia, Dr Sanjeev Devgarha, Dr Rajendra Mohan Mathur


Title: Case Report: Urachal Cyst Presenting In Adult

Authors: Dr Rajeev.N. (MS), Dr Santhosh.K.


Title: Effect of Dexmedetomidine on Emergence Agitation after Nasal Surgeries

Authors: Dr Hina Khurshid, Dr Khawer Muneer, Dr Mohammad Sadiq Malla


Title: Comparision of Lateral Sphincterotomy with Glyceral Nitrate 0.2% / Diltiazem 2%Local Application in Chronic Fissure in Ano

Authors: Rajeev.N (MS), Raghunandan (MS)


Title: Role of Abdominal and Thoracic Ultrasonography in Dengue Fever

Authors: Dr Shilpa Hegde*, Dr Nita R Sutay, Dr Mohammed Ashfaque Tinmaswala


Title: Anti Urolithiatic Activity of Rhus Mysorensis against Experimentally Induced Urolithiasis in Male Albino Rats

Authors: L. Sudheshna*, Sukesh Krishna Chaitanya Loka, A. Srinivasa Rao


Title: Incidence and Etiological Profiling of Acute Symptomatic Seizures in Western Uttar Pradesh

Authors: Malini Kulshrestha, Gurpreet Singh, K K Dwivedi


Title: Inferior Vena Caval Thrombosis in Elderly Patients with Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Case Series with Implications for Therapy

Authors: Afshan Shabir, Parvaiz Koul


Title: Interleukin 2 and Interleukin 6 Profile in Women with Spontaneous Recurrent Abortions and As Predictor of Pregnancy Outcome

Authors: Shuchi Jain, Madhu Jain, Zahida, Usha, T.B. Singh


Title: Study and Analysis of Audiometer Signal

Authors: Subiya Fatima, Dr. Channappa Bhyri, Prof. Kalpana Vanjerkhede


Title: Role of Mast cell in Oral lesions

Authors: Dr Isha Aggarwal, Dr Sunita Bhargava


Title: Awareness of Diabetic Retinopathy amongst Patients and their Attendants, Attending Diabetes Ophthalmology Clinic – A Population Based Study

Authors: Dr Abha Gahlot, Dr Manisha Singh, Dr Iqra Mushtaq, Dr Riti Bhattacharya


Title: Evaluation of Neuroprotective Activity of Bauhinia Variegata on Haloperidol Induced Catalepsy in Rats

Authors: Vishakha Rajesh Trivedi, Mrs.Rachana D. Sarawade, Siddhi Mehta, Ayyub Shaikh


Title: Impact of Training Courses on Participant’s Patient Centred Attitudes

Authors: Mudiyanse RM, de Silva SL, Pallegama R


Title: Performance of Urinary Liver Type Fatty Acid Binding Protein in Predicting Acute Kidney Injury in Post Cardiac Catheterization

Authors: Heba El-Shair, Rania Swelem, Sherif Wagdy


Title: Hysteroscopic Removal of Intrauterine Fetal Bones: Indian Scenario

Authors: Dr Shailesh Jain, Dr Rakesh P. Khuteta, Dr Sapna Shrivastava


Title: Survival Outcome of Infants in NICU - A Three Year Review

Authors: Prof B I Sasireka, Dr D M Christe, Prof S Baby Vasumathi


Title: Single Tooth Implant Placement in Anterior Maxilla: A Case Report

Authors:Dr Rajul Vivek, Dr Romesh Soni


Title: Recent Review of Literature on Early Diagnosis and Prevention of Leprosy

Authors: Dr M.Anuradha, M.D


Title: Ureteric Fusion – An Unusual Presentation of Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia

Authors: Shivi Jain, Prashant Nath Gupta, Abhishek Mane, Ashish Verma, Ram C Shukala, Arvind Srivastava


Title: A Study of Free radical activity in thalassaemia major patients in South Bengal

Authors: Prof Tamal Kanti Ghosh MD, PhD, MBA, Prof C.R. Maity MD,MNAMS,PhD, Prof Nabendu Chaudhuri, MD, MNAMS, PhD, D,Sc, Dr Reena Ghosh MD


Title: Unusual Presentation of Giant Vesical Calculus in an Adolescent Female

Authors: Shivi Jain, Ashish Verma, Shuchi Jain, Madhu Jain, Sameer Trivedi


Title: Clinical Profile of Anemia in Elderly population

Authors: Dr Pradnya Diggikar, Dr P.K.Satpathy, Dr Kanishka Jain, Dr Puneet Bhuwania, Dr Deepak Baldania, Dr T.Venu Babu, Dr Anuja Patil, Dr Prafull Chahjjed


Title: Spontaneous Tuberculous Enterocutaneous Fistula at Iliac Crest – A Rare Case

Authors: Girish D Bakhshi, Kavita V Jadhav, Dayanand D Choure, Mukund B Tayade, Palak Jaiswal,  Apurva Anand


Title: Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma of Larynx: A Rare Entity with Review of Literature

Authors: Himanshu Mishra, MadhupRastogi, Ritusha Mishra, Anurag Gupta, R K Srivastava, Anoop Srivastava


Title: A Two Year Old Girl with Precocious Puberty: The Youngest Ever Age of Presentation

Authors: Shuchi Jain, Shivi Jain, Madhu Jain


Title: Palliative Surgery for Pathological Fracture of Humerus by Intramedullary Interlocking Nail: Case Report

Authors: Dr Abhimanyu Singh, Dr Prasad Chaudhari, Dr Sanjay Dhar, Dr Abhay Agarwal, Dr Naba Krishna Gohain


Title: Bent and Incarcerated Vnail in A Distal 1/3rd Tibia and Fibula Fracture: A Rare Case Report

Authors: Dr Abhijit Tayade, Dr Sachin Kale, Dr Sanjay Dhar, Dr Abhay Agarwal, Dr Naba Krishna Gohain


Title: Comparative Study of Alkalined Lignocaine, Addition of Potassium Chloride to Lignocaine and Plain Lignocaine on Onset and Duration of Brachial Plexus Block By Supraclavicular Approach

Authors: Dhananjay Ambike, Narendra P L, D S Thoarat, Pushpa Agarwal, Maroof Ahmad Khan


Title: Assess the Knowledge Regarding Jejunostomy Feeding Among Staff Nurses and Nursing Students in NMCH, Nellore

Authors: Mrs. Kanaka Lakshmi.R, Mrs. Indira.S, Ms Betty lebona, Ms Sarada.K


Title: Situs Inversus Totalis- A Case Report and Review

Authors: Dr Ambarish Bhandiwad, Dr Surakshith L Gowda


Title: MR Evaluation of Isolated Fallopian Tubal Torsion, Rare Cause of Lower Abdominal Pain in Perimenopausal Age – Report of Two Cases and Mini Review

Authors: Dr. Ankit Agrawal, Dr. Praveen Kumar P


Title: Comparative Evaluation of Classical Subarachnoid Block, Unilateral Subarachnoid Block and Low Dose Subarachnoid Block with Fentanyl in ASA III and ASA IV Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Surgeries

Authors: Dr Alladi Srikanth, Dr Pradeep Samuel Indurkar, Dr Manda H, Nagrale


Call For Paper Volume 13 Issue 03 March 2025

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