The aims of this study was to investigated the role effect of Ultraviolet light on healing of liver injury in rats. fifteen adult healthy rats were used. It is divided in to two groups, treated group (Ultraviolet group) (9 rats), and control group (6 rats), for histopathological study 45 days post operation. The liver injury was done in the each rats after general anesthesia by scalpel. post-operation, in treated group, the rats were exposed to Ultraviolet light for 30 minute/daily (the rats exposed 5 days weekly) to period 45days continuously , but in control group, the rats leave without treated. In control group, the histopathological study of the prepared slides of the 45 day postoperative showed diffused enlargement of hepatocytes and congested of central vein and only minimal periportal fibrosis. In UV light group, the histopathological section showed the periportal fibrosis, also fibrosis around a portal artery. Minimal vacculation and enlargement of hepatocytes, also showed bile duct proliferation, diffuse enlargement of hepatocyte, septal fibrosis and mononuclear cells. Several areas of lobules with septal Fibrosis. Conclusion, the healing of the liver injury in treated group rapid from control group.
Keywords-Liver, Rat and Ultraviolet light.
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