Title: Diccphalus Dipus – Triradious A Rare Conjoined Twin Delivered By Caesarean Section At Term – A Case Report
Authors: Dr Arifa Jan, Dr Jameela, Dr Abdul Hamid
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i9.18
Conjoined twins are monozygotic twins fused at any portion of body as a result of incomplete division of the embryonic disc. There are various types of conjoined twins classified by the point at which their bodies are joined. We reported a rare form of conjoined twin Dicephalus Dipus Tribachius where infant has two heads, two legs, three arms and one external genitalia with fusion of thoracic, abdominal and pelvic regions. It was an undiagnosed case delivered by caesarean section. Keywords: Obstructed labour, caesarean section, conjoined twins.