Title: Abnormal Origin of Common Hepatic Artery-A Case Report
Authors: Dr Sarita Behera, Dr Bijaya Kumar Dutta, Dr Mamata Sar,Dr Manoj Kumar Dehury
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i9.31
Common hepatic artery normally arises as a branch of coeliac trunk, which is one of the median splanchnic braches of the abdominal aorta. During routine dissection classes of first MBBS students, we observed a variation in the origin of common hepatic artery in a 50 years male cadaver where, it was found to be arising from the superior mesenteric artery instead of coeliac trunk. After its origin, the course, relations and branches were normal. Other two branches of the celiac trunk namely left gastric and splenic were normal in their origin. Surgical mistakes from failing to appreciate hepatic artery anatomy continue to be made with serious consequences to the patient with medico-legal implications. Though vascular variations of the splanchnic branches of abdominal aorta are frequently reported, this particular case will certainly throw some light for safe surgery and low morbidity in hepatobiliary surgery. Keywords- common hepatic artery,celiac trunk superior mesenteric artery