Background:Cerebral palsy (CP) is considered as the most common cause of postural problems and motor dysfunctions in neuro pediatrics.
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effect of kinesiotape (KT)application on the trunk posture and control in children with spastic diplegic CP that were enrolled into physical therapy program.
Methods: The study included 30 spastic diplegic children. Those with deformities that could disrupt the balance in sitting and standing were excluded. The patients were randomly divided into two equal groups. The control group received physical therapy program and study group received KT in addition to the same physical therapy program for 12 weeks. KT was applied with repetition for consecutive three days and then removed leaving the skin free for 24 hours during the period of treatment. For metric instrumentation system was used to evaluate posture parameters: trunk imbalance, pelvic tilt, pelvic torsion, surface rotation, and lateral deviation, in addition to Growth motor functional measure-88 (GMFM-88) to assess the sitting (B) and standing (D) control. Balance was evaluated using pediatric Berg balance scale (PBBS).
Results: The comparisons of the measurements of the two groups before and after the treatment showed that postural parameters, sitting control, standing control and balance were statistically significantly improved in both groups. Comparing the post treatment results, study group was more statistically significantly improved than the control group, in the previous parameters, except in pelvic torsion and surface rotation, there were no significant differences.
Conclusion: It is suggested to apply KT on trunk muscles along with the physical therapy program to improve trunk posture and control in cerebral palsy children of spastic diplegic type which is more effective than physical therapy alone.
Keywords:Cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, Kinesiotape, Posture, Trunk control.
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