Title: Hysteroscopic Removal of Intrauterine Fetal Bones: Indian Scenario
Authors: Dr Shailesh Jain, Dr Rakesh P. Khuteta, Dr Sapna Shrivastava
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i9.50
The incidence of retained fetal bones is unknown. Most of the women present with secondary infertility and history of previous abortion. Previously, these were removed by dilatation and removal with ovum forceps but now a days hysteroscopy has given new dimensions to such procedures. Hysteroscopy is widely used in such ‘look and remove’ procedures like endometrial polyp removal, resection septum, hysteroscopy guided biopsy, synechiolysis, removal of intra-uterine fetal bones etc. Keywords: Retained intrauterine fetal bones, hysteroscopy