Title: A Study of Histopathological Pattern of Ovarian Neoplasms and their Age Distribution in A Tertiary Care Hospital of South India
Authors: Dr Vinay Kumar R, Dr B Rammohan Rao, Dr Epari Sanjeeva Rao
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i9.09
Objectives: The aim of the study was to know the histopathological pattern of ovarian neoplasms and their distribution in various age groups in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and methods:80 cases of ovarian specimens received from Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, local nursing homes and hospitals were studied in Department of Pathology of a tertiary care hospital for a period of 1 year from May 2014 to April 2015. The ovarian tumours were classified according to WHO classification and the age distribution was noted. Results: Eighty cases of ovarian tumors were studied during this period. Benign tumors comprised 91.25% and malignant tumors were 8.75%. Surface epithelial tumor was the commonest variety accounting for 83.75%, followed by germ cell tumor (13.75%) and sex cord stromal tumors were least common comprising 2.5 % of all ovarian neoplasms. No metastatic tumor or tumors with borderline malignancy were seen. Serous cystadenoma was the commonest tumor (49.31%) seen in 30-50 years age followed by Mucinous cystadenoma (32.87%) seen in 30-60 years age. Mature cystic teratoma comprised 81.8% of germ cell tumours seen in 20 -40 years age. Fibrothecomas were seen above 50 years of age. Among the malignant tumors, malignant surface epithelial tumors were the commonest seen above 40 years. Conclusion: Benign ovarian tumors are seen more common than malignant tumors. The most common benign ovarian neoplasm is Serous cystadenoma and the commonest malignant neoplasm is Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma. Benign ovarian tumours are seen in 20 to 50 years of age and Malignant tumors are seen after 40 years of age. Keywords: Ovarian tumors, Surface epithelial tumors, Serous cystadenoma, Germ cell tumors, Sex cord stromal tumors.