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The claim must be sufficed by documented files supporting the same version as being published or copyrighted by the other party before the date of publication of the concerned JMSCR article. On receipt of the claim, the JMSCR Editorial Board, if found satisfactory, will inform the JMSCR author to provide an explanation; the discussion of which will be transparent to both parties.


The JMSCR reserves the rights to decide the validity of any such claims. After deliberation, if the claim is found justified, the concerned manuscript will be removed from all JMSCR archives and servers. In case, the changes required are minimal such as inclusion of references, the authors will be intimated to do the required amendments

Call For Paper Volume 13 Issue 03 March 2025

The JMSCR is accepting manuscripts for its coming issues to be Publish Volume 13 Issue 03 March 2025 the JMSCR invites authors to submit manuscripts Reporting original medical research, original article, research article, case report, systematic reviews, or educational Innovations for publication for the coming issues that will be released in Volume 13 Issue 03 March 2025. Types of manuscripts suitable for JMSCR include: Medical research, Clinical research Educational Innovation, Brief Report, Reviews on Teaching In keeping with high quality scholarship, Read More.....

If any difficulty you can also submit to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Editorial Policy

Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the instructions given in the authors' guidelines. Manuscripts which do not ..

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Frequency of Publication

JMSCR is published as monthly journal with 12 issues per year. Special editions are also planned subjected to the scope and need....


Submission of Articles

Authors are invited to submit their research articles, review papers, Case Report properly formatted as per the author guidelines.........


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