
Volume 4 Issue 05 May 2016

Title: Awareness of CBCT among the Final Years and Interns- A Pilot Study

Authors: Roshene.R , Jayanth kumar.V


Title: Importance of Human Milk in Reducing Neonatal Mortality

Authors: Dr S.K.Valinjkar, Dr Pallavi Saple, Dr Vikas


Title: A Prospective Study Comparing Oxaliplatin & 5-Fu with Gemcitabine & Cisplatin in Advanced Stage Carcinoma Gall Bladder

Authors: Roopali, S. Singh, S.Gupta, M.L.B. Bhatt, M. Jain, M. Saha, V. P. Raturi, J. Gaur, D. Kishan, R. Singh


Title: Case of Brugada Syndrome

Authors: Dr Rajat Shankarrao Dalal, Dr Anil Modak, Dr Tanuja Manohar,  Dr Nalini Humaney


Title: Cardiovascular Disease Continuum- An Update

Authors: Roshene.R , T.A.Naufal Rizwan


Title: To Study the Effect of Different Phases of Menstrual Cycle on ECG & Blood Pressure in Healthy Young Adult Females

Authors: Shahina Khan, Jai Prakash, Dr Mirza Rashid Ullah Beg, Dr Manoj Kumar, Dr Gauhar Hussain, Dr Ranjan Dixit, Shashank S Sinha


Title: A Study of common Pre-menstrual Symptoms & their severity (Pain) with relation to VAS in Young Adult Medical Females

Authors: Shahina Khan, Pooja Gautam, Mirza Rashid Ullah Beg, Dolly Rastogi, Jai Prakash, Ranjan Dixit, Shashank S. Sinha


Title: A Study to Establish the Validity of Non-Fasting Lipid Profile against Fasting Lipid Profile for Making Treatment Decision in Diabetes Mellitus 2012-2014

Authors: Lokesh Gupta, Vipan Kumar Goyal, Amit Baweja


Title: The Prevalence of Shigella and Enterotoxigenic E. Coli Infection amongst Patients Attending a General Hospital, North Bank Makurdi Nigeria

Authors: Agbulu, C. O, Okoko, J. A, Adokwu, .E. E


Title: Effect of Eccentric Exercise in Treatment of De-Quervian's Disease

Authors: Lilian Albert Zaky, Nagy Ahmed Zaki Mostafa Sabet, Walaa Mohsen Mohamed


Title: Interphase Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization Analysis of Cytogenetic Abnormalities in Egyptian Patients with Plasma Cell Myeloma

Authors: Azza E Hashem, Noha H Boshnak


Title: Study on ECG Changes in Chronic hypertensive Patients in a Medical College Hospital of Odisha

Authors: Dr Sudipto Modak, Dr Poonam Mehta, Dr Jyotsnarani Patnaik


Title: Comparision of Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Outlet Forceps and Vacuum Extraction Deliveries

Authors: Dr Chaitra Ramachandra, Dr Roopa, Dr Rekha, Dr Shankaregowda, Dr Nirupama.Y.S


Title: Ultrasound Evaluation of Dengue Fever

Authors: V Sravani1, Sandeep K, H.R Nagrale, S.Veeraswamy


Title: Induced To Differentiation and Morphogenesis of Pancreatic Islet Clusters: Effects on Glycated Fetal Bovine Serum

Authors: Sivalingam Murugan, Ikuo Nishigaki, Gowri Rangasamy Gunassekaran, Ganapathy Ekambaram, Kalpana Deepa Priya Dorayappan, Vishal Babu, Ameesh Madhusoodhanan Nair


Title: Study on Prevalence of Intestinal Parasitic Infections Among Pre & Para School Children of Khurda District, Odisha

Authors: Debashish Samal, Satyaram Satapathy, Pratikshya Das, Devjyoti Majumdar


Title: Diagnosis and treatment of Gallstone ileus with Cholangitis and Cholecysto-enteric fistula in an Elderly Female

Authors: Rasmirekha Behera, Sushant Kumar Sethi


Title: Distribution of Super Antigensgene of Staphylococcus aureus in Allergic Rhinitis Patients

Authors: Thanaa Shams Al-deen AL-Turaihi, Prof Dr Kareem Thamir Al-Kaabi


Title: Effect of Long Protocol versus Short Protocol of Metformin Therapy in Pregnancy Outcomes in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – A Comparative Study

Authors: Arya R Nair, Bindu M, Sunil K Menon, Archana S


Title: Case Report Giant Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma

Authors: Shahaji G. Chavan, Sagar R. Ambre, Vinayak Kshirsagar, Nishith Reddy, Amrithraj Thiyagrajan, Shubhi Bhatnagar, Mayank Chakarborty, Aparajita Nathroy (Anesthesia)


Title: D A 3 Year Study of Rupture Uterus at a Tertiary Hospital

Authors: Dr Vinita Bansal, Dr Pooja Saini


Title: Ancient Concept of Grudhrasi

Authors: Dr Sachin  M. Zadbuke, Pro. Dr D.L.Shinde, Pro. Dr Kadlaskar B.B.


Title: Radiologic Variations of Nose and Paranasal Sinuses: A Ct Based Study

Authors: Priyanko Chakraborty, Rajiv Kumar Jain


Title: A Study on Thyroid Function in Pregnancy in a Medical College of Odisha

Authors: Dr Poonam Mehta, Dr Jyostnarani Patnaik


Title: ICTP as a Diagnostic Marker of Bone Resorption and Its Relation to Disease Progression and Treatment Response in Multiple Myeloma

Authors: Salwa Saad Khoudair, Gehan Mostafa Hamed


Title: Etiological Spectrum of Neonates Presenting With Intestinal Obstruction at A Tertiary Care Centre

Authors: Dr Amit Nagpure, Dr Sneha Wardhane, Dr Sharan Gubbi, Dr Shrikesh Singh, Dr Arun Gupta, Dr Pradeep Gupta


Title: Effect of Exercise Program on Acromiohumeral Distance in Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

Authors: Lilian Albert Zaky, Nagy Ahmed Zaki Mostafa Sabet, Maha Mostafa Mohamed, Ahmed Elhamy Mosad


Title: Technical Issues of Blood Pressure Measurement and Its Impact

Author: Ashraf Safiya Manzil


Title: Rosai Dorfman Disease –A Rare Presentation: Case Report

Authors: Lionel Rohit Mathew, Prema Devi, C.S Vijayalakshmi, Ezhilvizhi Alavandar


Title: Ratio Ictal SPECT Co-registered with MRI visualizes a greater extent of the ictal onset zone in focal refractory epilepsy

Authors: Jain M, Rossi M, Balaguera P, Roopali, Pylypyuk V, Choudary H, Byrne R


Title: Management of Pain

Authos: Sachin Kagane, Merlyn Gomes, Priyanka Thakur


Title: Hyperthyroidism Induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy is Reversible

Author: Dr Gopalakrishnan


Title: Procalcitonin (PCT) As A Promising Marker For Diagnosis and Differentiation of Bacterial Infections

Authors: Eman Elsayed, Heba Elshahawy,Mohamed Mossad, Maha Mahmoud Elshafei


Title: Immunohistochemical Analysis & Correlation of EGFR and Ki-67 Expression Status with Clinicopathological Parameters in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas: An Indian Perspective

Authors: Dr Prerna Chadha, Dr Nikhilesh Kumar, Dr Rigvardhan, Dr Prashant Sengupta, Dr Richa Ranjan


Title: In-Vitro Screening of Phyllanthus Amarus and Eclipta Alba Against Leptospira Autumnalis

Authors: Arthi Mohan, Saradhai Pandurangan, Saravanan Ramalingam


Title: Pattern of Macular Disorders in Himachal Pradesh, India

Authors: Dr Anubhav Chauhan, Prof (Dr) Kulbhushan Prakash Chaudhary, Dr Gian Chand Rajput


Title: Acute St Elevation Awmi with Severe Thrombocytopenia in Dengue Fever is Rare – Case Report

Author: Dr Gopalakrishnan.M


Title: Facie a la psychologist

Authors: Dr Munawwar Husain, Hena Fatma


Title: Pott’s Spine: Diagnosis and Management

Authors: Dr Mayank Shukla, Dr Amrta Tiwari, Dr Ankita Kakkar, Dr Anupama Srivastava


Title: Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome is a Rare Disorder – Case Report

Author: Dr Gopalakrishnan.M


Title: Etiological Spectrum of Acute Gastroenteritis in Children Less Than 5 Years of Age with Special Reference to Norovirus

Authors: Dr Suneeta Meena, Dr Anita Chakravarti, Dr Beena Uppal3, Dr K.Rajeshwari


Title: Stress Induced Cardiomyopathy Is Rare –Case Report

Author: Dr Gopalakrishnan.M


Title: Mucosal And Skin Reactions In Altered Fractionation Radiotherapy In Locally Advanced Oropharyngeal Carcinoma

Authors: Dr Murali. P, Dr Shankar Lal Jakhar, Dr Ramesh Purohit, Dr Rajesh Kumar, Dr Ajay Sharma


Title: Assessment of Blood Iron and Manganese on Artesant Welders Exposed to Welding Fumes

Authors: Torka N. Sordum, Ndokiari Boisa


Title: Evaluation of Various Etiological Factors & Clinical Presentations of Epididymo-Orchitis at a Tertiary Care Centre

Authors: Navneet Parashar, Shivraj Meena, R.S Meena


Title: Management of Diabetic Foot: A Short Term Analysis in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Authors: Dr Shyam Dhakaita, Dr Banamali Nath, Dr Rajeev Lochan Sharma, Dr Manoj Kumar Choudhary, Dr Alok Dixit, Dr Rucha Rampalliwar


Title: Epidemiology of Stroke in a Rural Community in Kashmir

Authors: Dr Zarka Amin Masoodi, Dr Parvaiz A Shah


Call For Paper Volume 13 Issue 03 March 2025

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