Title: Evaluation of Various Etiological Factors & Clinical Presentations of Epididymo-Orchitis at a Tertiary Care Centre
Authors: Navneet Parashar, Shivraj Meena, R.S Meena
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i5.48
Purpose- No Indian data exists on the incidence and prevalence of epididymo-orchitis. Western data suggest that the incidence of the disease is highest among young males aged between 18 and 35 years of age. Our aims were to establish various etiological factors in development of epididymo-orchitis. Methods- This prospective study was conducted on 50 patients of Epididymitis / Epdididymo-orchitis. Results: Most common age of presentation of epididymo-orchitis is between 30-50 years. Urinary complain is present in more than half (54%) of patients at the time of presentation. In acute epididymo-orchitis, fever (44%) and urethritis (17%) were found commonly. Both epididymis and testis are involved in most of acute cases (95%). While 33% of chronic cases involved only epididymis E. coli was the most common organism which was isolated in urine cultures (57.8% among the isolated organisms). Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection was found in around 10% of cases. Conclusion: E. coli was the most common organism which was isolated in urine cultures. Early and proper empirical treatment (and later on according to culture sensitivity report) with bed rest and scrotal support should be started as early as possible. This prevents the complications and conversion to chronic form. Key words- Epididymo-orchitis, Gonococcal urethritis, Chlamydia. Dysurea