Title: Study on ECG Changes in Chronic hypertensive Patients in a Medical College Hospital of Odisha
Authors: Dr Sudipto Modak, Dr Poonam Mehta, Dr Jyotsnarani Patnaik
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i5.14
Aims: Aim of this study was to analyze and compare the variations and abnormalities in ECG wave forms among people with chronic hypertension and controls. Methods: The study was conducted in Hi-Tech Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneswar during the period from Sept 2013 – Aug 2015. The study included 50 people with chronic hypertension and 50 controls, each between ages 40-70 years from general population, and also from Medicine outpatient department, HMC&H, Bhubaneswar. Following an explanation about the nature and purpose of study, those subjects who are willing to participate where included after obtaining their consent. Subjects with exclusion criteria were dropped. Detailed history from subjects, blood pressure (sitting position) and electrocardiogram was recorded during resting state in supine position. The ECG results were evaluated for parameters like heart rate, P wave, PR interval, QRS complex, QRS axis, QT interval, QTc interval, ST segment and T wave Results: There was statistically significant increase in QT interval & QTc interval in chronic hypertensives than controls. There was increased occurrence of LVH, ST depression and T wave inversion in chronic hypertensives than controls. Conclusion: This study shows that chronic hypertension is associated with QT prolongation. Most frequently occurring ECG abnormalities in chronic Hypertension are LVH, ST depression and T wave inversion. Keywords: Chronic hypertension; left ventricular hypertrophy, QT prolongation, ST depression, T wave inversion.