Title: Etiological Spectrum of Neonates Presenting With Intestinal Obstruction at A Tertiary Care Centre
Authors: Dr Amit Nagpure, Dr Sneha Wardhane, Dr Sharan Gubbi, Dr Shrikesh Singh, Dr Arun Gupta, Dr Pradeep Gupta
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i5.29
Introduction: Intestinal atresia is one of the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in neonates; with very few reported data from the developing countries. Objective: To describe the epidemiological distribution of neonatal intestinal obstruction (NIO) presenting at a tertiary care centre. Methods: Neonates admitted to our surgical NICU with a pre-operative diagnosis of NIO during a period from 1staugust 2013 to 31stDecember 2015 presenting within 14 days of life were considered. All cases of NIO associated with trachea- esophageal atresia, hirschsprung disease and anorectal malformations were excluded. An analysis of their post operative diagnosis was done. Results: A total of 271 neonates were included in our study. There were a total of 178 males and 93 females in our study. They presented at a mean age of 4.3 days and on an average weighed 1.9 kg. duodenal atresia was the most common cause of NIO (n= 82), followed by ileal atresia (n= 72). Other causes of NIO included jejuna ileal atresia, jejunal atresia, malrotation, colonic atresia, annular pancreas, duodenal webs, meconium ileus and band obstruction. Conclusion: Duodenal atresia is the most common cause of NIO followed by ileal atresia in our study