Title: A Study on Thyroid Function in Pregnancy in a Medical College of Odisha
Authors: Dr Poonam Mehta, Dr Jyostnarani Patnaik
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i5.27
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the thyroid function among pregnant women in a Medical College Hospital of Odisha. Methods: A total of 200 healthy, pregnant women within the age of 18-32 years appearing at Gynecology& Obstetrics OPD, Ante-natal clinic and also from indoor wards of Hi-Tech Medical College & Hospital, Odisha were included in this study. Women, who were diagnosed or treated for thyroid dysfunction, aged less than 18 years or more than 32 years, having other endocrinopathies like Diabetes Mellitus, with eclampsia or Pre-eclampsia, with any other pre-existing medical disorders complicating pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus were excluded from the study. Serum samples were assayed for TSH, FT4 and FT3 levels using ADVIA Centaur® CP Immunoassay System. The TSH value > 4.5 MIU/Lit was considered to be elevated above the normal limit and was regarded as hypothyroidism. Results: 24% of all pregnant women participating in this study had hypothyroidism and majority (83.33%) of these hypothyroid women had sub-clinical hypothyroidism. Conclusion: This study concludes that there is a high prevalence of hypothyroidism, majority being subclinical in pregnant women from India. Hence universal screening of hypothyroidism may be desirable in our country.