Title: D A 3 Year Study of Rupture Uterus at a Tertiary Hospital
Authors: Dr Vinita Bansal, Dr Pooja Saini
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i5.23
Objectives: To evaluate risk factors, type and site of rupture, management, maternal and perinatal outcome and to identify preventive measures at our institute. Methods: A retrospective study carried out at Government medical college and hospital, Kota. The details of 50 cases of complete uterine rupture managed between January 2013 and December 2015 were reviewed. Results: There were 50 cases of ruptured uterus out of total 35,946 deliveries (including 12,642 cesarean section) over a period of three years with prevalence of 0.13%.The most common age group was 21-30 years .35(70%) cases of uterine rupture occurred in scarred uterus while 15(30%)cases occurred in unscarred uterus. The main contributing factor to uterine rupture identified in this study, was poor ante-natal care.