Title: Ancient Concept of Grudhrasi
Authors: Dr Sachin M. Zadbuke, Pro. Dr D.L.Shinde, Pro. Dr Kadlaskar B.B.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i5.24
The disorder which impair the movement of leg are as old as the existence of human being, as walking is an inevitable function since the existence of man on earth to search for his food. Vata is responsible for all the movements including walking. In Atharvaveda (III XI 6) Vata is addressed not leave body but bear the limb till old age. It indicates in the prevalence of Vata disorder which leads to disability of limbs during Vedic period itself and awareness of ancient Indians about the functions of Vata and the disability caused due to its impairments.