
Volume 4 Issue 04 April 2016

Title: Evaluation of In-House Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (MPCR) For Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Authors: Mohammad Irfan, Dakshina Bisht, Molly Madan


Title: Comparative Study of Errors of Documentation by Junior Residents in Medical Records of Patients, Who Died in Medical Intensive Care Unit of 1000 Bedded Teaching Hospital in Year 2014-2015

Authors: Vivek K. Pande, Aniket Saoji, Jaydeep Nayse


Title: Evaluation of Echocardiographic Findings in Type II DM of North Indian Patients with or Without Cardiac Disease

Authors: Rajendra Kumar Verma, Shivendra Verma, Richa Giri, Vimlesh, Nirmala Singh


Title: Lymph Node Staging in Patients of Head & Neck Malignancies with Clinically Negative Neck Examinations by Ultrasound and Ultrasound Guided Aspiration Cytology

Authors: Sunil Kumar, HP Singh, Veerendra Verma, SP Agarwal, A Mishra, Neera Kohli, M Srivastava


Title: Evaluation of Glasgow Multifactor Prognostic Scoring System in Acute Pancreatitis - A Study of 25 Cases

Authors: Dr Satpal Hans, Dr Pankaj Kumari


Title: Cervical Dystonia and Psychiatric Manifestations in Hypoparathyroidism Associated with Extensive Intracerebral Calcifications

Authors: Prasanth.S.R, Shaji.C.V, Parvathy.G,  Kabeer.K.A, Ram Mohan, Meenakumari.S


Title: A Retrospective Study of Ectopic Pregnancy in a Teritary Care Hospital

Authors: N.Spandana, S.M.Togarikar, Deepa Polepaka


Title: A Comprehensive Study and Creation of Profile of Trauma Patients Admitted in ICU of a Tertiary Care Hospital in India

Authors: Dr Mohammad Mojahid Anwar, Dr Munawwar Husain, Dr Syed Moied Ahmad, Dr Jawed Ahmad Usmani


Title: Malaria Control Strategies Adopted by Residents of Ikirike Community in Enugu State

Authors: Ishaku Salamatu, Onwe, Simon Nwigboji, Gaji, Luka Dung


Title: Non-Specific Inflammatory Intra-Thoracic Mass Mimicking Malignancy: A Case Report

Author: Satya Prakash Meena, Biplab Mishra, Rajinder Parshad, Mohit Joshi, Sudheer Arava, Sivasai Krishanaparsad K,  Mufaddal Kazi


Title: Study on Uropathogens with Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern in the Elderly at a Tertiary Care Hospital- Mangadu, South Chennai India

Authors: Dhevahi Elumalei, Sumathi.G., Sambandan A.P, Natrajan.V.S, Dinakaran.N


Title: Dose Escalation with Fractionated Radiosurgery in Oligometastases Brain with Controlled Extracranial Disease: Improved Progression free Survival Outcome

Authors: Dr Sambit Swarup Nanda, Dr Rohini Khurana, Yoganathan SA, Dr Animesh Agrawal


Title: Malignant Nerve Sheath Tumor with Secondary Intradural Extramedullary Metastases

Authors: Ahmed Hassan Samsudeen, Pravin GU, Parthasarathi A, Javaji Raviprasad


Title: Comparative Study of Surface and Core Microflora of Chronic Tonsillitis

Authors: Rajesh K, Prabhusaran N*, Sahoo GC, Prabhakar K, Jesudoss A


Title: Spectrum of Biopsy Proven Renal Diseases (BPRD): A Single Center Experience

Authors: Lakshminarayana GR, Indu S, Seethalekshmy NV, Ranjit N, Biju MV


Title: Comparison of Different Doses of Clonidine as an Adjuvant to Intrathecal Bupivacaine for Spinal Anaesthesia in Patients Undergoing Lower Limb Orthopedic Surgery

Authors: Sasibhushan Guthikonda, Kalyan Peddinti, Veerababu Vadlani


Title: A Cadaveric Study of Renal Artery Variation in Rajkot

Authors: Pradip Chauhan, Dangar Khima, Ashish Pandya, Suresh Rathod


Title: Pattern of Co-morbidities in Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition admitted in MTC of a teaching hospital of Westeren Rajasthan, India

Authors: Dr Tarachand Saini, Dr Anita Verma*, Dr P.K.Berwal


Title: Comprehensive study of Foetal cases of Sirenomelia Sequence with their Embryological Correlations

Authors: Usha Rani Vanagondi *, Saritha. S, Jwalaram Kumar Chaluvadi, Gayathri. P, Nagajyothi. D


Title: Severe Acute Pancreatitis Presenting As Appendicular Perforation- An Unusual presentation

Authors: Sudhansu Sekhar Sutar, Ranjit kumar Pati, Prasanta Kumar Dass, Debasis Das, Madhusmita Jit


Title: Thyriod Swelling--Evaluation by Ultrasonography with FNAC Correlations

Authors: Dr Krishna Kumar Borah, Dr Gorky Medhi, Dr Aditi Sarma


Title: Self Medication – Questionnaire Based Study for Information Gathering Amongst Community Pharmacists

Authors: Dr Pragatika Dadhich, Dr PramilaYadav, Dr Pradnya Deolekar, Dr Merlyn W. Gomes 


Title: Persistence and Cure Rates of Primary Hyperparathyroid Disease after Bilateral Neck Exploration (BNE)

Authors: Mohamed Zaky Azzam, Eman Zaki Azzam, Tarek Youssef Koraitum


Title: Thrombophilia Gene Mutations in Relation to Recurrent Miscarriage

Authors: Dina, Medhat Shalaby, Tawfik, Abdel Salam Tawfik, Tarek, Abdel Zaher Karkour, Magdy Mamdouh Elbordiny, Zaid ,Samy Abou Zaid


Title: Study of a Trochanteric Length of Femur

Authors: Ashish Pandya, Dangar Khima, Singel Tulshi


Title: Across Sectional Study on Thyroid Profile in Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Authors: Rajhounsh V, Dilip M Rampure, L Suresh Kumar, Santhosh Kumar Cheekoti


Title: A Fetal Study of Craniorachischisis, With Emphasis on Prenatal Diagnosis and Prevention

Authors: Dr Gayathri. P*, Dr.S.Saritha, Dr D. Nagajyothi, Dr T.V.Ramani, Mrs N.Himabindu


Title: Study of Morbidity and Mortality of Suprapubic Prostatectomy in 60 Patients
Authors: Dr Banamali Nath M.S. MNAMS FAIS (Surgery), Dr Alok Dixit


Title: Case Report-A Case of Peripartum Cardiomyopathy

Authors: Dr Sarang Videkar, Dr R.P.Mundle, Dr P.K.Deshpande, Dr Dhoble


Title: Epileptic Patients in Dentistry – A Challenge

Author: Dr Rajul Vivek


Title: Periodontal Disease as a Complication in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus– A Hospital Based Study in Uttarakhand, India

Authors: Dr Aviral Shah, Dr Rupa Kumari, Dr Abhishek Khandwal


Title: Study of Pilasteric Index of Femur in Gujarat Region

Authors: Ashish Pandya, Dangar Khima, Singel Tulshi


Title: Evaluation of Intrathecal Neostigmine in Different Doses Added to Xylocaine for Post Operative Analgesia

Authors: Dr Sapna Singh, Dr (Col) Banwari Lal Mathur


Title: Effects of CYP3A5 and ABCB1 Genetics Variant on Tacrolimus Pharmacokinetics in Algerian adult Kidney Transplant Patients

Authors: Fatma Boudia, Wefa Boughrara, Aberkane Meriem, Fatima Zohra Moghtit, Abdeslam Hamdani, Habiba Fetati, Fatima Zohra Mekaouche, Houari Toumi


Title: Study of Platelet Functions and Prothrombotic Factors in Cerebrovascular Accidents: A Tertiary Care Centre Experience

Authors: Dr Poonam Rani, Dr Rashmi Kushwaha, Prof. Ashutosh Kumar, Prof. U.S Singh,  Dr Sachil Vohra, Dr Yusuf


Title: Role of C-Reactive Proteins as a Diagnostic & Prognostic Indicator In Neonatal Sepsis

Authors: Dr S.K.Valinjkar, Dr Shruti.Dhale, Dr Sunil S. Sarode


Title: Fully Endoscopic Tympanomastoidectomy in Cholesteatoma – Role of Diffusion Weighted MRI

Authors: R.Thalapathy Ramkumar, S.Shanmuga Ashok, Greeshma, Bhuvaneshwari Babu


Title: A Study on Oral Cancer and Its Correlation with Tobacco Chewing, Smoking and Alcohol Drinking In Western Rajasthan

Authors: Sunita Soni, Kusum Vaishnav, Ajmal S Bhayal, Ramesh C Purohit, Ashwini Soni


Title: Giant Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma of Gerota’s Fascia

Authors: Mukund B. Tayade, Girish D. Bakhshi, Kavita V. Jadhav, Rajesh Yadav, Dinesh S. Pawar, Priyank Kothari


Title: Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder Presenting As Eclampsia In A Primigravida: A Case Report

Authors: Dr Ankita Singh, Dr Sanjeev Behera, Prof Dr K.B.Subudhi


Title: Haemolytic Effect of Leaf Aqueous Extracts of Carica Papaya, Psidium Guajava and Mangifera Indica in Albino Rats

Authors: Muhammad N B, Bashiru I, Asokan C


Title: Automated Reticulocyte Count Wins Over Manual Methods

Authors: Dr Arvinder Singh, Shubham Rastogi, Dr Dharmendra Kumar Garg, Dr Deepa Singh Dr Khursheed Ahmad, Dr Pooja Chhabra


Title: Laparoscopic Excision of Calcified Collagenous Nodule of Anterior Abdominal Wall

Authors: Girish D Bakhshi, Mukund B Tayade,Kavita V Jadhav, Dayanand D Choure, Pravin N Shingade, Dinesh S Pawar


Title: Clinical study of Incisional Hernia

Authors: Amarendra Prasad, Saikrishna, Srujan Jehna


Title: Neonatal Screening Program, Study of Congenital Hypothyroidism Cases

Authors: Dr Basil Metti Hanoudi, Najla I.Ayoub, Rasha S. Abdulraheem


Title: A Rare Case of Well Differentiated Papillary Mesothelioma of the Tunica Vaginalis

Authors: Megha Yadav, Mukesh Agrawal, Jaya Bhaskar Reddy,Sujani Madabhushi, Mujeeb Siddiqui


Title: Self Inflicted Near- Total Amputation of Penis- A Case Report

Authors: Dr Babu Mani Baski, Dr M. Sarawgi


Title: Effect of Intravenous Administration of Ketorolac As Preventive Analgesia To Pupil In Eye Surgery With General Anesthesia

Authors: Andriamuri Primaputra Lubis, Hasanul Arifin, Erna Mutiara


Title: Why is HIV/AIDS so hard to treat?

Authors: Dilip D. Karad, Dr. Arun S. Kharat*


Title: Prevalence and Etiology of Seizures in Kashmir

Authors: Dr Zarka Amin Masoodi, Dr Parvaiz A. Shah, Dr Irfan Iqbal


Title: HIV and Tuberculosis: the impact goes beyond those infected with HIV/AIDS

Authors: Sanjay Kumar Garg, Shivraj Meena, Shivcharan Jelia, S.R Meena


Title: Deliberate Self harm in Alcohol Dependent Outpatients in Tertiary Care Centre

Authors: Padmini Cherukunnath, Arun M Palayat, Binoo Divakaran, Mohanchandran V V


Title: Pre-Auricular Swelling of Tubercular Origin: A Dicy Diagnosis

Author: Dr Sphoorthi Basavannaiah


Title: Quadruplet Pregnancy Following Spontaneous Conception: A Rare Case Report

Authors: Veena Meena, Khuteta Sushila, Amarawatin Kurre, Kalpana Bariha, Meena Shyam


Title: Monitoring and Analysis of Adverse Drug Reactions in A Private Tertiary Care Hospital

Authors: Dr Pradnya Deolekar, Dr Pramila Shriram Yadav, Dr Anshul Attrey, Dr Sandesh Deolekar


Title: A Study to Determine the Profile of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Patients Attending Bokaro General Hospital (Bokaro)

Authors: Dr Avnish Kumar Singh, Dr S.K Sinha, Dr Aviral Shah


Title: Peripheral Cementifying Fibroma – A Dilemma

Authors: Dr Sivaprasad K K, Dr Anila Karunakaran, Dr Leena Philipose


Title: Role of Previous Adenovirus Infection and Its Association with IFN-α in Occurrence of Celiac Disease in Iraqi Patients

Authors: Hashim Raheem Tarish, Wasan Sami Hameed, Raad Jasim Abdul-Mehdi, Hashim Ali Abdulameer Alsherees


Title: A Case Control Study: Evaluation of Serum Vitamin D Levels and Vitamin B12 Levels in Vitiligo

Author: Latha Srirama*


Title: Thoracopagus Conjoined Twins: A Rare Case Report

Authors: Dr Nidhi Meena, Dr Santosh Meena, Dr R.P. Rawat


Title: A Study on Newer Methods of Vesico vaginal fistula Repair with Special Reference to Laproscopic Surgery, Vesicoscopic and Vaginoscopic Surgery in Comparision to Conventional Vaginal and Abdominal Repair

Authors: Dr Mrityunjay Mundu, Dr Babu Mani Baski, Prof Dr Ranjan George Baxla


Title: Early Onset Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 from South India: A Case Report

Authors: Suraj Menon M, Shaji CV, Kabeer KA, Ram Mohan K


Title: Therapeutic Hypothermia in Asphyxiated Neonates with Hypoxic-ischemic Encephalopathy: A single-center Experience from its First Application in Saudi Arabia

Authors: Najia Al Hojaili, Hatem Alomari, Attia Alzahrani, Abdallah Kan, Rasha Mohammad


Title: A Case of Migraine Mimicking as Paranoid Schizophrenia- A Case Report

Authors: Dr Subodh, Dr Upasana Gautam


Title: Mycoplasma pneumonia infection in Cancer Patients at a Regional Cancer Center, South India

Authors: Sumathi B.G., Shafiulla Md., Lakshmaiah KC., Lokanatha D


Call For Paper Volume 13 Issue 03 March 2025

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