Background: NSAID (Non steroid anti inflammatory drug ) inhibit cyclooxygenase enzyme and also inhibition of proinflamation prostaglandin (PG). Ketorolac has recommended for a short time use on post operation, not longer than 2 days intravenous administration. So this drugs is good for acute analgesia. The research useful for looking an effect of ketorolac administration as a preventive analgesia concern to pupil in prevent myosis in eye’s surgery within general anesthesia.
Methods: it was a quasi experimental study done in Sumatera Eye Centre Hospital, Medan, Indonesia during January to June 2012. Sampling was taken using total sampling method with 44 patients.
Results: There is no significant difference in myosis for patient with ketorolac as preventive analgesia in eye surgery
Keywords: ketorolac, preventive, analgesia, eye surgery, general anesthesia
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