Background & Objectives: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common endocrine disorder which involves multiple organ systems and leads to significant morbidity and mortality due to accompanying complications. DM has been defined as A METABOLIC SYNDROME characterized by chronic hyperglycemia & disturbance in carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism with absolute or relative deficiency in insulin secretion or insulin action. There are macro and micro vascular complications of diabetes involving kidneys, eyes, blood vessels, nerves and heart. Thyroid diseases are also a common endocrinopathy seen in adult population.
Thyroid hormones are intimately involved in cellular metabolism. Thus excess or deficit of either insulin or thyroid hormones could result in functional derangement of cellular metabolism. This study would be an attempt to study the prevalence of thyroid disorders in patients with type II diabetes.
Materials & Methods: This cross sectional study included 100 patients with type II diabetes without previous thyroid abnormalities after meeting inclusion criteria during Jan 2015 to June 2015 held at Mamata Medical College & General Hospital- Khammam, TS state.
Results: Out of 100 patients with type II DM, 14 had abnormal thyroid profile of which 13 had subclinical hypothyroidism, 1 patient had overt hypothyroidism, 61% were females, more among those with duration up to 5 years (68%).
Conclusion: The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction is more common among type II DM patients than in general population. The prevalence is higher in females than in males.
Key Words: Type II Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Metabolicsyndrome, Subclinical hypothyroidism.
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