Preauricular sinuses are congenital malformations that usually occur at anterior margin of the ascending limb of helix of external ear. They are not rare anomalies of the ear, and as they are usually asymptomatic, that is the reason they are not frequently diagnosed.
Tuberculosis is one of the major infections that affect children and adults worldwide causing significant morbidity and mortality. They are most prevalent in extra pulmonary region with clinical presentation as lymphadenitis. The diagnosis of extra pulmonary tuberculosis is difficult as it neither presents with constitutional symptoms nor possibility of having a high degree of clinical suspicion. Here, is a rare case presented by an adult male with infected preauricular sinus coexisting with lymphadenitis in right preauricular region.
Key Words: Preauricular sinus, extrapulmonary, tuberculosis, lymphadenitis.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Sphoorthi Basavannaiah
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