Title: Automated Reticulocyte Count Wins Over Manual Methods
Authors: Dr Arvinder Singh, Shubham Rastogi, Dr Dharmendra Kumar Garg, Dr Deepa Singh Dr Khursheed Ahmad, Dr Pooja Chhabra
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i4.42
Reticulocytes are immature red blood cells, which contain intracellular Ribonucleic acid (RNA), Mitochondria and Ribosomes. The significance of reticulocyte count in the diagnosis of anaemia cannot be underestimated as it provides vital information about the classification and pathogenesis of anaemia. Reticulocyte count is the index of erythropoietic activity within bone marrow. The reticulocyte counting methods at clinical laboratoriesare currently divided into manual and automated. The manual reticulocyte counting by microscopy became traditional and hasbeen considered the standard method since 1940, for its simplicity and low cost. Automated reticulocyte count substantially differ from manual method. Because automated methods are counting higher number of cells with precise measurement through specific staining and flow cytometry so it is way ahead superior than manual methods. Pentra XLR from Horiba Medicals, Japan is found to be reliable, dependable and excellent instrument for estimating Reticulocyte Count by automation than its peer methods. It will help anemic patients in terms of better treatment, follow-up and diagnosis in all the stages and types of anaemia.
30 adult male and female anaemic patients were selected from the Arth Diagnostics laboratory, Rajasthan. Reticulocyte Count by automation was done by Pentra XLR from Horiba Medicals, Japan. Manual reticulocyte count was performed by traditional method with New Methylene Blue dye and light microscopy.
We observe from the above table that there is significant difference in the values of manual RC and automated RC. The deviation is large and it varied from -26.0% to 74.9%. The p value of deviation between manual RC and automated RC is significant (p value <0.05).