
Volume 3 Issue 08 August 2015

Title: Nephrotic Syndrome: Clinico-Histopathological Spectrum in Tertiary Care Hospital of Rohelkhand of U.P (Bareilly)

Authors: Varshney Amit, Gupta Vijay, Sachan Amit, Singh Rohit, Nigam P


DIDS : 08.2015-83974496

Title: Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Breast: A Rare Case Report

Authors: Pattanayak Lucy, Panda Niharika, Padhi Sanjukta, Devi Padmalaya, Samantaray Sagarika


DIDS : 08.2015-41567279

Title: Association of BER Genes Polymorhism, XRCC3 and XRCC1 with Risk of Gastric Carcinogenesis: A Case Control Study from Eastern India

Authors: Kamalika Roy M.Sc (Med Micro), Prof. Tamal Kanti Ghosh MD, PhD, MBA, Sushil Kumar PhD, Prof UC Ghoshal MD,DM (Gastro), DNB, Dr Sumohan Biswas


DIDS : 08.2015-51246793

Title: Comparison of Hemodynamic Responses and Postoperative Airway Complications between ET Tube and LMA in Pediatric Short Surgical Procedures

Authors: G.Kiran Kumar, Abhimanyu Singh*, Uppalapati Bhavana


DIDS : 08.2015-64841982

Title: Study of Prevalence of Diabetic Retinopathy in Already Confirmed Diabetic Patients Who Were Reffered for Screening Purpose

Authors: Parvez Ahmad Bhat, Jasia Ishtiaq, Arsalan un Nisa, Wallied K Ballwan, Wani Prince Muzaffar


DIDS : 08.2015-42257825

Title: Value of CTG M Onitoring in Misoprotol Induction Cases for Better Perinatal Outcome

Authors: Athota Smitha*, Nagasree. M.G.S


DIDS : 08.2015-26379129

Title: Isolation of Extended Spectrum Β-Lactamases in Urine Samples

Authors: Sukesh Kumar B Y, Ayesha Begum, Syed Haroon Hussain, Konuri Sridhar


DIDS : 08.2015-88636192

Title: Study of Functional and Radiological Outcome in Subtrochanteric femoral Fractures Fixed with Reconstruction Nail

Authors: Surendher Kumar R., Ashish Jose, Krishnagopal R., Sandeep MMR


DIDS : 08.2015-63888259

Title: “Swiss Cheese” Consolidation – Case Report

Authors: Dr Kapil Iyer, Dr Swapnil Kulkarni, Dr Mahesh Jansari


DIDS : 08.2015-85775294

Title: Perception of Educational Environment among Undergraduate Medical Students

Authors: Dr Seema Tanaji Methre, Dr Tanaji Sambhaji Methre, Dr. (Mrs.) Nirmala Gopal Borade


DIDS : 08.2015-38545652

Title: Surgical Management of Fracture Shaft of Humerus in Adults Using Flexible Nails – By Retrograde Technique

Authors: Dr Harish Y S, Dr Pradeepkumar, Dr Ananth H S


DIDS : 08.2015-73434383

Title: Clinico-Etiological Profile of Hyponatremia in Patients Admitted in Intensive Care Unit of Tertiary Health Care Rural Center

Authors: Dr. Manish Patni, Dr. N.R. Humaney, Dr. Jitesh Jeswani, Dr. S.A. Deoke


DIDS : 08.2015-34846767

Title: Peripheral Ameloblastoma In An Adolescent Male Mimicking Pyogenic Granuloma: An Unusual Finding

Authors: Nishat Afroz, Divya Rabindranath, Nida Shamim, Azka Anees Khan, Senthil.P, Aaliya Ehsan


DIDS : 08.2015-57536179

Title: A Comparative Study of Auramine O Staining Using LED Fluorescent Microscopy with Ziehl –Neelsen Staining in the Examination of Sputum For Acid Fast Bacilli

Authors: Okonkwo, R. C, Anyabolu, A. E, Onwunzo M. C,  Ifeanyichukwu, M. O*, Chukwuka, C. P1,  Enemuo, E, Ngwu A. M


DIDS : 08.2015-82156638

Title: Evaluation of Severity of Dental Fluorosis in Patients Attending Dental OPD - A Multicentric Prospective Study

Authors: Dr Panpalia Samiksha Krishnakumar, Dr Shashikant Somani, Dr Sonali.S.Somani, Dr Rajesh P. R, Dr Jugal Kishore Tapadia


DIDS : 08.2015-51453299

Title: Optimal parameters for Gene Xpert MTB/RIF and LAM Strip determine Test for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis using urine from HIV patients at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya

Authors: Iddah. M. Ali, Gideon A. Ng’wena, Benard. O. Guyah, Kennedy K. Mutai, Benard. O. Abong’o


DIDS : 08.2015-79323163

Title: Locally Aggresive Nasal Polyp Masquerading As A Malignant Mass – A Case Report

Authors: Dr Divyashree, Dr Rajesh Kumar Saket, Dr Pallovie Singh, Dr Surabhi Mehrotra, Dr Arjun Raju P


DIDS : 08.2015-99586973

Title: Evaluation of Malariometric indices of last 5 years in rural areas of Jamnagar district

Authors: Dr Aniruddha Gohel, Dr Naresh Makwana, Dr Mittal Rathod, Dr Kishor Dhaduk, Dr Dipesh Parmar


DIDS : 08.2015-75285864

Title: A Study of Current Outbreak of Dengue Fever in Children

Authors: Tamil Selvan, Pawan Kumar.S, Giridhar, Narayana Swamy, Mahesh Kumar


DIDS : 08.2015-46187749

Title: A 26 Year Old Male with Fever, Productive Cough, Hemoptysis and Epistaxis

Authors: M. Umar. Majid M.D DNB FCCP, C.P. Rauf M.D



Title: Alcohol and Drug Dependence among Rural Youth in Bathinda District of Punjab

Author: Kamaljit Kaur Dhillon



Title: Yield of Video Assisted Thoracoscopy in Undiagnosed Pleural Effusions in South Indian Population

Authors: M. Umar Majid, A. K. Abdul Khader, C. P. Rouf


DIDS : 08.2015-75285864

Title: Awareness of HIV/AIDS among Rural Population in Bathinda District of Punjab

Author: Kamaljit Kaur



Title; Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: As Presenting Feature in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - Two Case Reports

Authors: Mishra U S, Khatua C R, Patro D, Arun S V, Satya K


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Prevalence and Spectrum of Refractive Errors in Children Attending Out-Patient Department of Ophthalmology, Sher-I-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar

Authors: Parvez Ahmad Bhat, Jasiya Ishtiyaq, Arsalan Un Nisa, Walied K Balwan, Prince Muzaffar Wani


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Gastroprotective and Antioxidant Effect of Gloriosa Superba on Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Ulcers in Rats

Authors: Siddhi Ashokkumar Mehta Falguni, Mrs. Rachana D. Sarawade, Vishakha Trivedi, Ayyub Shaikh


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Electroencephalographic Abnormalities in First Onset Afebrile and Complex Febrile Seizures and Its Association with Type of Seizures

Authors: Dr Mohammed Ashfaque Tinmaswala, Dr Valinjker S.K, Dr Shilpa Hegde, Dr Parmeshwar Taware



Title: The Study of Physiological Variations in Electrocardiogram in Late Adolescent

Authors: Kadam S.S., Joshia.S., Dr Lalit Sankhe


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Clinico-Epidemiological Profile of Pemphigus: An Observational Study

Authors: Anand J Asia, Rachana A Laul


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Unilateral Pulmonary Hypoplasia In An Asymptomatic Adult

Authors: Dr. M Umar Majid MD, DNB, FCCP, Dr. Nisar Hajam MD, Dr. Javaid A Malik  MD,DM,FCCP, Dr. Bilal Ahangar MD


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Gastric Carcinoma: A Clinical Study

Author: Dr Santosh M Patil


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Patient Presenting with Massive Hematochyluria, Right Thigh Cellulitis and Lymphedema of Leg- A Case Report

Authors: Khatua C R, Satya K, Chandan G, Arun S V, Niranjan N


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: A Study on the Usage of Smartphones amongst First Year Medical Students in an Indian Medical College

Authors: Dr Perumallapalli Haresh Kumar, Dr Mythili Krishnan, Capt Samrat Sapkota



Title: Radiological Evaluation of the Calcaneal Parameters in an Adult Nigerian Population

Authors: Giami Barinem, Udoaka A.I.


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis: A Rare Neurological Complication of Mixed Malaria

Authors: V. Kotrashetti, Kapil Bainade, Mumtaz Shariff, Vijay Baburao Sonawane, Imran Patel


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Prevalence of Cement Dust Exposure Related Illnesses among Residents of A Mining Community in North West Nigeria

Authors: Merenu IA, Mojiminiyi FBO, Omokhodion F, Ibrahim MTO



Title: Comparison of the Effects of Fentanyl and Dexmedetomidine in Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block Achieved with 0.5% Bupivacaine in Karpaga Vinayaga Medical College and Hospital, Maduranthagam

Authors: Dr.P.Manohar, Dr.M.Prakash


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Epidermal Cyst Presenting As a Solitary Thyroid Nodule: A Rare Case Report

Authors: Dr. Dayanand D Choure, Dr. Pramod D Nichat, Dr. Samarth Agarwal, Dr. Mazhar Abbas Turabi, Dr. Mukund B Tayade


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Comparison of Outcome between LighweighMes& Heavy Weight Mesh in LichtensteiGroiHerniRepair

Authors: Prince Muzafer Wani, Raheeb Ahmad Shah, Sajad Ahmad Para, Parvez Ahmad Bhat


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Effect of Cement Dust Exposure on Lung Function among Residents of Kalambaina Community in Sokoto State, Nigeria

Authors: Merenu IA, Omokhodion F, Mojiminiyi FBO,Ibrahim MTO


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Association between Smoking and Silent Peptic Ulcer Disease in the General Population of Kashmir

Authors: Prince Muzafer Wani, Raheeb Ahmad Shah,Sajad Ahmad Para, Parvez Ahmad Bhat


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Gastroprotective Effects of Gloriosa Superba Tubers against HCL/Ethanol Induced Gastric Mucosal Injury in Rats

Auhors: Siddhi Ashokkumar Mehta Falguni, Mrs. Rachana D. Sarawade, Ayyub Shaikh, Vishakha Trivedi, Freny Menezes


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Study of Outcome of Early Vs Delayed Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Mild and Moderate Acute Gallstone Pancreatitis

Authors: Prince Muzafer Wani, Raheeb Ahmad Shah, Sajad Ahmad Para, Parvez Ahmad Bhat, Arsalan Un Nisa


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Case Report - Unusual Case of AV Malformation Presenting as Saphena Varixin a 3-Year-Old Child

Author: Rajesh G Chandnani



Title: A Study of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) - Student Response System in M.B.B.S Anatomy Course

Author: Rameswarapu Suman Babu*



Title: Reorganisations of the Visual and Auditory Cortex for Auditory Processing in Congenitally Blind Individuals

Authors: Manjula P*, Bharath T



Title: Estimation of Body Stature Using Fore Arm Bone (ULNA) – A Cross Sectional Study

Author: Rameswarapu Suman Babu*


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: A Study on Knowledge and Attitude of Anganwadi Workers Regarding Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices in a Rural Area

Authors: Dr. Madhav Baburao Shinde, Dr. Sanjay Dhondbarao Ranveer



Title: Anaphylaxis and Human Seminal Plasma Allergy: A Review

Authors: Sukesh Krishna Chaitanya Loka*, Meghana Gubbala, Sreekar Srichurnam


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXX

Title: Nutritional Status-Related Factors Contribute to Poor Glycemic Status in a Sample of Iraqi Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

Authors: Ali K Al-Hasnawi, Barakatun Nisak MY, AS Hazizi, Al-Razzouqi Rafi


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Molecular Characterisation of HIV Associated Tuberculosis Compared to Conventional Methods

Authors: Manjusha Pandey, Shailja Pant, R.C.pande, Kanchan Srivastava



Title: Weber`S Syndrome: A Rare Manifestation of CNS Toxoplasmosis in HIV/AIDS-A Case Report

Authors: U S Mishra, C R Khatua , Suchitra Dash, Chandan Gantayat, Satya Kumar K


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Role of Dexmedetomidine on Hemodynamics and Anesthetic Requirement During Elective Intracranial Tumor Surgery - A Prospective Randomized Double Blind Placebo Controlled Study

Authors: Amrita Roy, Suman Sarkar, Sankari Santra, Anusua Banerjee, Shanta Ganguly


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Cardiac Sarcoidosis Causing Sudden Death

Authors: Gupta Kamal K., Behera Sameer K., Mishra Debi P.


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: A Comparison of Effect of Metformin in Combination with Glimepiride and Glibenclamide on Glycaemic Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Authors: Ujwala Gawali*, Amruta Umathe


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Primary Omental Infarction Presenting As a Parietal Wall Swelling: A Rare Case Report

Authors: Dr Samarth Agarwal, Dr Aftab Shaikh, Dr M S Navare, Dr Aman Singh, Dr M B Tayade



Title: Epidural Ropivacaine Alone or Combined With Fentanyl in Infraumblical Surgeries: A Comparative Study

Authors: Rakesh Bahadur Singh, Dheer Singh, Manoj Kumar, Prashant K Mishra



Title: Burden of Anemia and Hemoglobin Response to Iron Therapy in Adolescent Girls of State of Chhattisgarh

Authors: Dr Abha Singh, Dr Avinashi Kujur, Dr Nalini Mishra



Title: Comparative Evaluation of Bupivacaine Versus Ropivacaine Epidurally in Obstetrical Surgeries (LSCS): A Clinical Study

Authors: Prashant Mishra, Navneet Goyal, Pragati Divedi, Manoj Kumar, Divya Pandey, Dheer Singh


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Migraine: Study of Clinical Profile in Clinical Practice

Authors: Smita Gupta, Tarun Agarwal, A B Mowar, M P Rawal, Pranesh Nigam



Title: Goldenhar Syndrome – A Case Report

Authors: Dr Sanjay Joshi, Dr Prashant Bhadane, Dr Yogesh Salunkhe, Dr Shrikant Patil


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Bilateral Accessory Renal Arteries: A Case Report

Authors: Dr Borkute Manoj, Dr Bagal Gopal



Title: Gender Corellation of Haemoglobin and Haematocrit with Body Mass Index in Medical Students

Authors: Vanajakshi B.J., Vijaykrishna K., Namita



Title: Effect of Intravenous Dexmedetomidine on the Action of Spinal Bupivacaine in Comparision with Intravenous Midazolam

Authors: D. Suresh Chander, S J V Kameswararao*, J Santosh Kumar, P Upendar Gowd


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Tubercle of Zuckerkandl as a Landmark for Identification of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Enabling Safe Thyroid Surgery- A Prospective Comparitive Study

Authors: Mahidhar Reddy Venkatapuram, Singamsetty Kalyan Kumar, Sridhar Thathekalva, Suneel Kumar Reddy Venkatapuram


DIDS : 08.2015-XXXXXXX

Title: Metastatic Malignant Melanoma to Bone Marrow with Occult Primary – A Case Report

Authors: Krutika R. Bhatt, Biren B. Parikh, Priti P. Trivedi, Manoj J. Shah


Title: Management of Delayed Presentation of Adult Monteggia Fracture Dislocation

Author: Dr Sanjai Kumar Singh



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