Title: Case Report - Unusual Case of AV Malformation Presenting as Saphena Varixin a 3-Year-Old Child
Author: Rajesh G Chandnani
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v3i8.45
Saphena varix may be defined as an abnormal dilatation of the distal part of the Great Saphenous Vein (GSV) near its junction with femoral vein.1 Saphena Varix is a venous anomaly affecting the upper part of great saphenous vein that mimics femoral hernia2 to the wary clinician and unless he is aware of this possibility it can be disastrous if an incision is made thinking it to be femoral hernia. I present a case of Left groin swelling in a 3-year-old child present since birth that was soft, reducible on lying down and had impulse on coughing. He was operated and a large bunch of dilated veins was found at SF junction and great saphenous vein was found opening into the mass of veins inferiorly. There are few published such cases in literature and none in paediatric age group. This is the first published case of Saphena Varix in a child stressing the importance of this differential diagnosis in evaluation of groin swellings. Keywords: Saphena Varix, Groin swelling, Varicose veins lower limb,