Objective: To evaluate incidence and grade of dental fluorosis and associated risk factors.
Material & Methods: Present prospective study was conducted on 246 patients who presented with dental problem over a period of 2 year.
Results & Discussion: Out of total 246 patients, 116 were male and 130 were females. Of them, 102,87 &57 belonged to the age groups of <20.20-40 &>40 years, respectively. Dental fluorosis was less in rural than urban areas. Majority were in the category of 'Mild fluorosis'
Conclusion: The prevalence of dental fluorosis s was high in age <20 years. Also it was higher in people who consumed pipe water, compared to those consuming ground water. There existed a positive association between dental fluorosis and source of drinking water.
Keywords-Dental Fluorosis, Dean’s Index, Oral health hazard, Severit
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Corresponding Author
Dr Panpalia Samiksha
C/o Anshul Rathi, MIG 1/111, Amadi Nagar, HUDCO, Bhilai, Durg, Chattisgarh,490009
Email: drsgsomani@gmail.com, Mobile: 07702277852