Introduction: The proximal end of femur consists of head, neck, greater and lesser trochanters. Various pathologies of hip require surgical intervention either in the form of replacement or open reduction and internal fixation. The morphometric analysis of proximal end of femur is of immense importance in designing prosthesis and implants of appropriate size.
Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted in the department of Anatomy, VMMC, New Delhi on 76 dry adult fully ossified human femur bones. The parameters measured included femur length (FL), femur neck length (FNL), femur head diameter (FHD), femur neck diameter (FND), femur neck thickness (FNT) and cervicodiaphyseal angle (CDA). The mean and standard deviation of parameters were calculated. Unpaired t-test was used to assess statistically significant side dimorphism.
Results: The mean values of FL, FNL, FHD, FND, FNT and CDA were 41.626 ± 2.170 cm, 40.835 ± 3.023 mm,39.531 ± 2.966 mm, 40.973 ± 6.647 mm, 23.972 ± 2.488 and 135.592 ± 5.734 degrees respectively. Cervicodiaphyseal angle displayed statistically significant side dimorphism (0.0013), the measure being higher on right side as compared to left side.
Discussion: The present study provides values specific to Indian population that will help in designing of appropriate size prosthesis and implants needed for various orthopaedic procedures. Mismatched prosthesis results in complications including pain, osteolysis and aseptic loosening. Femur neck length and diameter also helps in choosing the appropriate length and number of cancellous screws used for fixation of neck fractures.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Jasbir Kaur (MD, DNB, MNAMS Anatomy)
Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital