Title: Angle Closure Glaucoma with Diabetes Mellitus: A Double Edged Sword
Authors: Dr Upali Tiwari, Dr N. Kori, Dr Madhvi Tiwari, Dr Akshay K. Umare
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i5.35
Clinical History
- A 60 years old female came with complain of Ocular pain, redness & DOV in left eye since 15 days. She was apparently alright 6 years back, when she developed DOV in BE.
- In LE DOV was mildly painful Associated with redness & watering & she had multiple episodes of same complain.
- In RE DOV is sudden in onset painful in nature associated with redness, watering & floaters. She had multiple episodes of same associated with headache & vomiting.
- No history of coloured halos, spectacle use, any neurological deficit.
- Past history: history of RE trabeculectomy 2 years back.
- History of LE cataract surgery & intra vitreal injection 4 months back.
- Medical history: K/C/O DM II & systemic HTN & seizure disorder?
- Family history: not significant