Title: An Exploratory Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude Regarding HIV/AIDS among OPD Patients in Selected Hospitals, Ludhiana, Punjab
Authors: Mrs. Manvirpal Kaur, Mrs. Maninder Kaur
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i8.84
The present study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding HIV/AIDS among OPD patients in selected hospitals Ludhiana, Punjab. The conceptual framework of the study was based on, Health Belief Model‟ of Rosenstoch‟s and Mainman‟s (1974). A non-experimental research approach and exploratory research design was adopted by using 100 OPD patients were selected by using non probability convenient sampling technique. The purpose of the study is to enhance the knowledge and attitude of OPD patients regarding HIV/AIDS by providing pamphlets. Independent variables in the study were age(in years), gender, type of family, educational status, occupational status, monthly family income, place of living, religion and source of information. The dependent variables in the study were knowledge and attitude regarding HIV/AIDS among OPD patients. A self structured knowledge questionnaire and five-point likert scale was prepared to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding HIV/AIDS among OPD patients. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Bar diagrams were used to depict the findings.
Following results were drawn based on the findings of the study. Maximum 40% of OPD patients belong to age group ≤ 30 years and were females. Most of the OPD patients 70% were from nuclear family and 38% had attained education up to 11th -12th standard. Maximum of the OPD patients 29% had occupation in private sector and had monthly family income of ≥20001. Most of the OPD patients 73% belong to Sikh religion and 62% lived in rural area and maximum 51% got information through electronic media. The study findings shows that 75(75%) respondents had good level of knowledge, followed by 17(17%) had average knowledge and 8(8%) had excellent knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS. Age, educational status, source of information had relationship with knowledge of respondents significant at p<0.05 level. Maximum had 73(73%) positive attitude. Age and religion had significant relationship with the attitude regarding HIV/AIDS at p<0.05 level. There was positive relationship r=0.575 between knowledge and attitude on the basis of research findings. Pamphlets were given to create awareness regarding HIV/AIDS among OPD patients.