
Volume 4 Issue 03 March 2016

Title: Effect of Garlic Extract (Allium sativum) on Lipid Profile of Wister Rats

Authors: Obisike, Uchechukwu Achor*, Elekima, Ibioku; Aleru, Constancy Prisca, Christian, Serekara Gideon, Wokocha, Hannah


Title: Evaluation of Carotid Intima –Media Thickness in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Authors: Dr Rajani .M., Dr Manoj.D.K, Dr Smithanair


Title: Role of Sonological Fetal Cerebellar Measurement in Gestational Age Determination

Authors: Dr Sandeep S, Dr Parthasarathi A


Title: Comparison of Two Brands of LASIK Work Stations in Achieving the Best Desired Therapeutic Result in LASIK Surgery – A Retrospective Study

Authors: Dr K.M Suresh, MBBS,MS(OPH), Dr C.N.Vishwanath MBBS DOMS


Title: Clinical Assessment, Management and Histo-Pathological Study of Orbital Tumours – A Prospective Clinical Study

Author: Dr K.M Suresh, MBBS,MS(OPH)


Title: Role of PPAR Gamma in obesity and obesity induced DM type-2

Authors: Manish Malhotra, S.M. Raju


Title: Sensitization of Medical Students to Pharmaco-economic Importance

Authors: Preety Lachhiramka, Sujay Patil


Title: Awareness of HPV, Cervical Cancer and Preventive Measures: A Questionnaire survey from Hyderabad, India

Authors: A Ashwini, Nagavalli Sreerangam, N.V.R.Murty, K Aparna


Title: Application of SIFT and SURF Detectors for Medical X-Ray Images

Authors: Prachi. G. Bhende, Dr A. N. Cheeran


Title: Role of Finger Print Pattern in Relationship with Blood Group and Gender

Authors: Dr Bindu Singh, Dr Sajjad Jafar, Dr Ranjan Kumar Dixit


Title: Effect of Fibroid on Pregnancy and Pregnancy on Fibroid Uterus

Authors: Dr Sufia Begum (FCPS), Dr Mahina Monsur, Dr Ummul Nusrat Zahan (FCPS)


Title: A 3 Year Study of Maternal Mortality at Government Medical College, Kota

Authors: Dr Vinita Bansal, Dr Pooja Saini


Title: Tuberculosis of Liver: A Case Report

Author: Dr Banamali Nath


Title: Assessment of Site of Airways Obstruction By “Spirometry”

Author: Dr S. Meenakshi


Title: A Study on Socio-Cultural Practices during Menstruation among Adolescent Girls of Jabalpur District

Authors: Dr Shubhangi Nayak, Dr Neelam Toppo, Dr Shashi Prabha Tomar, Dr Pradeep Kasar


Title: Antibiotics Susceptibility Profile of E.Coli in Female Students of University of Agriculture Makurdi

Authors: Yaji, M.E. Gberikon, G.M., Okpe.L


Title: Neglected Posterior Dislocation of Elbow in Childrens

Authors: Dr Sridhar Krishnamoorthy, Prof D.Gokul Raj


Title: Esthetic Rehabilitation of Crown Fracture Utilizing Orthodontic Extrusion and Restorative Modality

Authors: Dr Neha Rane, Dr Priyatam Karade, Dr Rutuja Chopade, Dr Vishal Patange


Title: A Rare Case of Sirenomelia or Mermaid Syndrome in A Dizygotic Diamniotic Twin Pregnancy

Authors: Dr Manisha Chauhan, Dr Saurabh Tomar


Title: Endosalpingiosis in a Young Female Presenting As Acute Abdomen: A Rare Clinical Presentation

Authors: Dr Rameshwari M Nisty*, Dr Saraswathi Ramesh, Dr M Ramesh


Title: Detection of Diabetes Mellitus Using HbA1C as Diagnostic Criteria

Authors: Dr Saurbh Tomar, Dr Manisha Chauhan


Title: A Rare Case of Spinocerebellar Ataxia

Authors: Dr Aditya B. Mapari, Dr Salil A. Ganu, Dr Mrs Neelima Saoji


Title: The Comparative Study of Homocysteine, Folate and Cobalamine Level in Hyperthyroid Women and Normal Healthy Women

Authors: Choudhary Nitu, Kumar Rohitash, Dr Vyas R. K.


Title: Pancytopenia: The Study of Clinical Profile and Aetiology in Tertiary Care Centre

Authors: Mehrotra M.K, Goel Manish, Sood Tanvi, Saxena Harsh, Varshney Amit


Title: To Compare and Evaluate the Accuracy of Fully Automated Cell Counters Performing Standard Deviation Index (SDI) and check with External Quality Assurance (EQAS)

Authors: Dr B.Rajsekhar, Dr R.Sabitha Devi


Title: Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation: Case Report

Authors: Mohammed Junaid Ansari, *Shahla Abrar, Tanvir Roshan Khan


Title: Mifegest and Misoprostol Combination Vs Misoprostol Alone for Termination of Second Trimester of Pregnancy

Author: Rashmi Verma


Title: Scar Endometriosis

Authors: Rameshwari Nisty, Gangambika Nisty


Title: Students' perceptions and attitudes towards Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in the College of Medicine, KSAU-HS, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Authors: Abdalla A Saeed, Waleed M Al Suwayh, Amal S. Alomri


Title: Effect Age and Cooking on Quality Characteristics and Nutritive Value of Camel (Camelus Dromedaries) Longissimus Thoraces Muscle

Authors: Isam T. Kadim, Abdulbari A.Alfaris, Muhssin R.H


Title: Diurnal Variation of Peak Expiratory Flow Rate in Healthy Young Adults of North East of India

Authors: Wasima Jahan, Pranjal Bhuyan, Rwitusmita Bharali


Title: Bleeding Diathesis: When Do We Suspect Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Authors: Dr Sushant Mane, Dr Sonali Singh, Dr Swapnil Kumar, Dr Dattatray Pandurang Shinde


Title: Liver enzymes Alterations after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: A Prospective Study

Author: Bhavinder Arora


Title: An Innovative Tehnique for Inguinal Hernia Repair under Local Anasthesia as Ambulatory Surgery

Author: Bhavinder Arora


Title: A Serological Study of Blood Borne Viral Hepatitis Cases Attending IIMS & R, Lucknow

Authors: Karuna Dubey*, Shabnam Parveen, Dr Sanjeev Sahai


Title: Clinical Profile and Outcome of Electric Injury in North Indian Populations

Authors: Satya Prakash Meena, Pankaj Kumar Saxena, Manisha Jhirwal


Title: Role of Renal Doppler Flowmetry in Patients with Altered Renal Function Tests

Authors: Dr Krishna Kumar Borah, Dr Avinash Kamble, Dr Bipul Ch, Kalita


Title: A Study on Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern in Biofilm Positive and Negative Isolates of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Isolated From Clinical Samples

Authors: Sowmya Nasimuddin, Jeevan Malaiyan, Mohanakrishnan Kandaswamy, Priyadharshini Parthasarathy, Sumathi Gnanadesikan, Savitha S, Kamal Raj M


Title: Levels of Hemoglobin, ESR, Iron & TIBC in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Compared with Normal Individuals

Authors: Dr Shweta Dwivedi, Dr Shreesh Singh, Dr Geeta Jaiswal


Title: A Study of Correlation of Body Mass Index and Waist Circumference with Blood Pressure

Authors: Archana Khanikar, Siddhartha Sankar Konwar


Title: Status of Serum Leptin and Lipid Profile in Newly Diagnosed Psoriasis Patients: A Case Control Study

Authors: Ghalaut VS, Sarkar M, Dayal S, Gupta G, Samanta S, Rajju T


Title: Comparative Study on Some Biochemical Parameters in Stored Whole Blood in Standard Blood Bank and Traditional Refrigerator

Authors: Obisike Uchechukwu Achor*, Brown Holy


Title: Sinus Histiocytosis with Massive Lymphadenopathy (Rosai-Dorfman Disease): A Case Report with Review of Literature

Authors: Dr Rajat Gupta, Dr Rakesh Raina


Title: Pattern of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in Low Back Pain

Authors: Santhosh Kumar Aravapalli, Aditya Abhishek .K, Nithin Reddy.D, Raju Ragidi, Dr H.R.Nagrale, Dr Veeraswamy


Title: A Comparative Study of Clinical Outcome of Clopidogrel and Prasugrel in Patients Of Acute Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention In Indian Settings

Authors: Dr Aditya, Dr Sharma A, Dr Kumar B


Title: Quantification of microRNA-181b in Egyptian Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients and its Relation to Prognosis

Authors: Iman M Omar, Dina A Fouad, Deena M M Habashy, Doaa G Eissa,  Mariam F Abdel-Maksoud


Title: Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Common Peroneal Nerve Conduction in Post Burn Children

Authors: Ibrahim M.  Zoheiry, Somaia A. Hamed, Tamer E. El-Negamy, Heba M. Mohamad


Title: Study of Platelet Functions in Pregnancy, Labour and Puerperium

Authors: Dr Tazkira Begum, Dr Wasima Jahan, Dr Ibrahim Kabir


Title: What Really Matters For A Preterm Infant Undergoing Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Surgery– A Case Report And Review Study

Authors: Dr Shyam C. Meena, Dr Sachidanand Gauttam,  Dr Samta Meena, Dr Suresh C. Dulara


Title: Psychiatric Comorbidity in Alcohol Dependent Outpatients in Tertiary Care Centre

Authors: Dr Padmini Cherukunnath, Dr Arun M Palayat, Dr Binoo Divakaran , Dr Mohanchandran V V


Title: Thyroid Dysfunction in Elderly Patients and Its Clinical Presentation

Author: Amira H. Mahmoud


Title: Co-Morbidity of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus-A Prospective Analysis

Authors: Dr Ajith Kumar.M.K, Dr Rajani.M, Dr Manoj.D.K, Dr Saraladevi.A., Dr Achuthan.V


Title: Questionnaire Study in Post Menopausal Women on Bisphosphonates for Osteoporosis

Authors: Dr Vaibhavi Acharekar, Dr Pradnya Deolekar, Dr Pramila Yadav, Dr Merlyn Gomes


Title: A Comparative Study of Serum Uric Acid Level in First Degree Relatives of Patients of Acute Coronary Syndrome and In Normal Subjects

Authors: Dr Subha Bhakta, Dr Geeta Baruah, Dr D.J. Dutta


Title: Transversus Abdominis Plane Block Versus Wound Infiltration of Local Anesthesia For Post Operative Analgesia

Authors: Dr Manjaree Mishra*, Dr Shashi Prakash Mishra, Dr Somendra Pal Singh


Title: Ergonomics Solutions in Dental Practice

Authors: Dr Harpreet Garewal, Dr Jasmine Kaur Chawla, Dr Sandeep Sharma


Title: Comparison of Epidural Steroid and Gabapentinin Lumbosacral Pain

Authors: Dr Vishal Moudgil, Dr Baljit Singh Bajwa


Title: Association between Lymphocytic Infiltration and Hypothyroidism in Post Thyroidectomy Patients

Author: Dr Rajan Kumar T


Title: Effect of Aquatic Program Therapy on Dynamic Balance in Down’s Syndrome Children

Authors: Somaia Ali Hamed, Shahesta Ahmed Osama, Al-Shimaa Ramadan Azab


Title: Thyroid Dysfunction and Pregnancy Outcome in Indian Women

Authors: Dr Manisha Chauhan, Dr Saurabh Tomar


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