Title: How to Avoid or Prevent Secondary Post -Tonsillectomy Haemorrhage?
Author: Dr Ahmad Farrage
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i10.89
Secondary post-tonsillectomy bleeding is a nightmare for all E.N.T. specialists as it may occur at an inappropiate and unexpected time. I could aviod this situation by revising the patient on the 5th. day post-operatively. The aim of that revision is to remove the ligatures, stitches and tonsillar reminants off the tonsillar bed. This procedure has three goals: (1)To prevent secondary haemorrhage before it occurs on the sixth or seventh post-operative days dew to erosion of the ends of the blood vessels by the anaerobic bacteria (fusiform bacilli). (2) Relief of post-operative pain by removal of the necrotized tissues which are very irritable to the healthy nieghbouring tissues. (3) Avoid leaving tonsillar tissues which may grow to a considerable size. This procedure is achieved by Luck's forcepse without anaesthesia. The bleeding occurring during this procedure is self-limited. I 've never seen any case of that haemorrhage over more than twenty years (about7000 cases )