Title: A Retrospective and Single Centric Histopathological Study of Gastrointestinal Tumors from 2011 to 2015
Authors: Dhara H. Dadhania, Shaila N. Shah
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i10.87
Background: This study was carried out to evaluate and to correlate the various histopathologic types of tumors at different sites of gastrointestinal tract in relation to age and sex of the patients. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional histopathological study of gastrointestinal tumors of 117 cases was carried out retrospectively; on biopsies and surgical specimens received from department of Surgery of a teaching institute, from January-2011 to December-2015. Specimens were sent in 10% formalin, ten times that of the specimen’s volume; and kept for 24 hours in 10% formalin for proper fixation, subsequently dehydration, clearing, embedding in paraffin wax were carried out. Blocks were made, sections of 3-4µm thicknesses were cut and stained with Harris Haematoxylin and Eosin stain and observed microscopically. Results: From the total 117 cases of gastrointestinal tumors: 72 were males and 45 were females with peak occurrence in sixth decade and anatomical distribution was in esophagus 50(42.74%), stomach 11(9.40%), small intestine 09(7.69%), appendix 00(0%), colon and rectum 40(34.19%), anal canal 07(5.98%) with histological types- epithelial 95(81.20%), mesenchymal 09(7.69%), lymphoma 03(2.57%), poorly differentiated carcinoma 07(5.98%), metastatic 02(1.71%) and others 01(0.85%). Conclusion: Gastrointestinal tumors show a wide variation in the morphology. So, histopathological examination is must for the diagnosis and typing of these tumors. The peak age distribution was in the sixth decade. Male to female ratio was 1.6:1. The occurrence of gastrointestinal tumors was highest in the esophagus accounted for 42.74% of all cases. Most common type of malignancy was adenocarcinoma. Keywords: Gastrointestinal Tumors, Histopathological examination, Adenocarcinoma.