Title: Comparative Study of Westergren Method and Automated ESR Analyser (Microsed-10)
Authors: Drashti N.Shukla, Shaila N. Shah
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i10.86
Background & Objectives: The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is still widely used in clinical practice as an indicator of inflammation, infection, trauma, or malignant disease and several billion tests are being performed in clinical laboratories throughout the world. Present study is to compare the ESR done by MicroSED 10, an automated ESR analyser and by the Westergren method in, Individual with normal range ESR, Individual with anaemia, Individual with tuberculosis, Paediatric patients, Orthopaedic patients, Individual with metastasis, Male individual and Female individual. Method: Total 500 Blood samples are taken in sodium citrate vacutee. First ESR is measured by westergren method. Then same sample is run in the Automated ESR analyser Microsed-10. Results: R value of this study is 0.44. So the present study is significant for using automated ESR method instead of gold standard westergren method in patient with individual with normal range(0.43), anaemia(0.49), paediatric patients(0.45), individual with metastasis(0.97), individual with tuberculosis (0.37), male individual (0.44) and female individual(0.44) have significant R value so in these cases automated ESR Analyser can be used for gold standard westergren method. Orthopaedic patient (0.24) have low R value, so automated ESR cannot be used for gold standard westergren method. Keywords: Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, Westergren method, Microsed -10.