Sigmoid volvulus is a life threatening surgical emergency which demands early surgical intervention. It is common throughout Africa, India, Iran & Russia. Through rare in united states & Europe. In endemic Regions, sigmoid volvulus accounts for 20-50% of all bowel obstructions. The mortality rate associated with sigmoid volvulus is high, estimated to be around 20% depending on treatment procedures & case conditions. The high mortality rate from sigmoid volvulus is in part due to bowel gangrene & its sequlae. Anywhere from 8-45% of cases of sigmoid volvulus have been reported to be gangrenous. X-ray abdomen erect showing of omega sign/bent inner tube sign/coffee bean sign is diagnostic sign of volvulus of the sigmoid colon.routine ultrasound abdomen and pelvis was done in all cases to exclude other abdominal pathology. Digital rectal examination-rectum was empty and ballooning was seen. Successfull management of sigmoid volvulus demands that the surgery recognize 2 distinct disease process- gangrenous & non gangrenous. 3 most common surgical option for treatment of volvulus of sigmoid colon are Resection & primary anastomosis - hartman’s procedure - Meso sigmoidopexy
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Corresponding Author
Dr Banabihari Mishra
Asso. Prof., Department of General Surgery
VSS IMSAR, Burla, Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Contact Number-9437170120