Title: Perception of Parents about Adolescent Issues and Their Expectations from Schools and Health Services
Authors: Dr Anita, Dr K.R.Meena, Dr Rajesh Mehta
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i10.43
Objectives: To determine how important the parents of adolescents consider adolescent issues and the kind of involvement they would like from schools and health services. Design: Cross-sectional study Methods: Questionnaire was sent to 1500 parents of children studying in 8th-12thclass in selected schools of Delhi. Data was analyzed using the epi-info statistical package to determine frequencies and percentage and χ2 analysis used to determine the effect of demographic variable. Results: Among 910 parents who completed the questionnaire(60%response rate), 60% were father, 56%were boys’ parents, 81%were graduate and 91%were parents of younger adolescents(13-16year).More than 70% parents were aware about adolescents issues. Most parents considered general medical issues as most common problem (69.2%), followed by nutritional, mental health, injuries, substance abuse and sexuality related issues. Sexuality related issues was recognised by 29.6% parents as a common problem. More than 50% parent feel that their own adolescent requires attention at present for nutritional, general medical and injuries related issues. Regarding substance abuse and sexuality related issues only 15%parents feel that their adolescent requires attention and 6% parents told that their adolescent received help for these issues. Majority of parents feel that parent should discuss these issues and 60% did it for nutritional, general medical and injury related issues. Sexuality and substance abuse were discussed by only few parents as either they do not feel need to discuss these issues or feel hesitation. Majority of parents recommended that adolescent issues should be discussed in school and school should have counsellor. Approximately 70% parents expected that their physician would be comfortable with such issues and physician should discuss these issues with their adolescent. Conclusions: Most parents were aware that adolescents have specific needs and problems. They recognised the need to discuss these issues with their adolescents and were interested in having involvement from schools and physicians. Keywords: adolescent, adolescent health issues, parent, physician, school.