Title: Emergency Medical Service System in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Authors: Mohammed Al Mutairi, Ayman Jawadi, Nesrin Al Harthy, Farhan Al Enezi, Nawfal Al Jerian, Abdullah Al Qahtani, Abdullah Al Harbi, Abdullah Al Anazi
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i10.31
Acute healthcare delivery system in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia starts up from the prehospital/ preclinical scenario in a village level and extents up to quaternary care medical, through state of the art emergency medical services. These quaternary care hospitals, located in urban areas, are considered the last referral points for the patients from nearby cities and states. As the incidence of motor vehicle accidents in Saudi Arabia have increased in recent years, the role of emergency medical care becomes vital in saving precious lives. The emergency services infrastructure needs professional adequacy for timely provision of quality care to critical patients is considered as the main agenda all over. This review looks in to the past, present and future perspective of emergency medical services in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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