Title: Cerebrovascular Accidents as a Cause of New Onset Seizure and Its Correlation with Age of Onset
Authors: Dr Shishir Pandey, Dr Manoj Kumar Kushwaha, Dr M.H.Usmani, Dr Rakesh Patel, Dr. Manoj Indurkar
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i10.13
INTRODUCTION: Seizure has been a recognized entity since antiquity and is probably as old as man himself. Seizures are common disorders found all over the world and are encountered frequently during medical practice in variety of settings. Etiological spectrum of acute symptomatic seizures in developing countries is different from developed countries. The major etiological risk factors were central nervous system (CNS) infections (32%), metabolic disorders (32%) and cerebrovascular diseases (21%).1 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: (1) To identify cerebrovascular accidents as a cause of new onset seizure. (2) To find out its correlation with age of onset. MATRIALS AND METHODS: 100 patients admitted with new onset seizures from the hospital attached to S. S. Medical College, REWA and study conducted from july 2014 to October 2015.Seizure history was taken from eyewitness and patient and clinical examination and routine investigation done, with special investigation like CT, MRI, EEG in selected cases. Result was analysed statically and mean and standard deviation was calculated. RESULT: Cerebrovascular accidents accounted for 26% of seizures. Among these Ischemic stroke (46.15%) was the commonest cause of seizures followed by Hemorrhagic stroke (23.07%), Cerebral venous thrombosis (23.07%) and least common was Subdural haemorrhage (7.69%) .Ischemic stroke was most common in middle adulthood (66%), haemorrhagic stroke was most common in old age(66%), CVT in young adult, subdural hematoma in old age. CONCLUSION: Cerebrovascular accident was the one of the major cause of new onset seizure and it mainly present in elderly population. KEYWORDS: Cerebrovascular accidents, seizure , ischemic stroke