Title: Ultrasound and CT Evaluation of Pleural Lesions
Authors: Dr Shivani Gogi, Dr M.Veena, Dr B. Sumithra, Dr N. Anil Kumar, Dr V. Shanthi Sree
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i10.08
Aims And Objectives: To assess the value of Ultrasonography and Computed Tomography in evaluation of pleural lesions. To determine the Sensitivity and Specificity of Ultrasound and CT in pleural lesions. Summary: The present study was aimed at assessing the value of Ultrasonography and CT in evaluating the pleural lesions. In our study, during the period of 12 months 100 patients with pleural effusions were evaluated. The most common cause was transudates. Exudates consist of malignant and non malignant causes. Conclusion: The role of ultrasound and CT are complimentary, give high yield of positive results for pleural mass differentiation; useful for guided procedures, like pleural biopsy and pleural drainage. Combined study not only useful for localization of lesion but also gives information about the extent of disease and characterizing the tissue density by analysis of attenuation coefficient. Keywords: ultrasound, MDCT, pleural effusion, transudate and exudates.