Title: Pure Red Cell Aplasia in a Case of Severe Hookworm Infestation: Superadded Parvovirus B19 Infection Causing Diagnostic Confusion
Authors: Dr Aniruddha Ghosh, Dr Rashmita Das, Dr Partha Pratim Halder, Dr Maya Mukhopadhyay
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i12.122
Anemia is a common manifestation of hookworm infestation. But clinically severe anemia in a child without any failure to thrive should warrant search for other etiologies. Here we report the case of a 11 years old boy with Ankylostoma duodenale infestation who presented with severe anemia with impending heart failure. A thorough search revealed concurrent Parvovirus B19 infection which caused pure red cell aplasia as proven by bone marrow study. Patient responded well to packed red blood cell transfusion, oral albendazole and corticosteroid therapy.
KEYWORDS: Anemia; Hookworm; Parvovirus B19; Pure Red Cell Aplasia; Ankylostoma duodenale;