Title: Role of Duplex Ultrasonography in the Evaluation of Portal Venous Hypertension
Authors: Rajesh Pattanaik, Bararuchi Dash, Shamimun Nisa, Braja Behari Panda, Savitri Bhagat, Soumya Ranjan Nayak
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i12.110
Aims & Objectives: The objective of our study is to know the spectrum of colour Doppler and ultrasonographic findings in portal hypertension & to assess the value of duplex ultrasonography to diagnose & establish the cause of portal hypertension.
Materials & Methods: A Cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2014 to November 2016 on 100 clinically suspected / diagnosed cases of portal hypertension, who were referred to our department. All the patients underwent 2D grey scale & colour doppler ultrasonography of abdomen and pelvis using a curvilinear probe of 3.5 – 5.0 MHZ. Analysis of Percentage and proportions of various morphologic & hemodynamic parameters & etiology of portal hypertension were done.
Results: Among 100 cases of portal hypertension who were studied, 72% were males & 59% in age group of 40 to 59 yrs. Most common etiology of portal hypertension was Cirrhosis (71%). Portal vein diameter >13 mm was seen in 61% of cases. Loss of respiratory phasicity of portal vein was seen in 84% cases. Decreased portal vein velocity was noted in 44% cases. Congestion index >0.1 seen in 92% of cases. Hepatopetal, hepatofugal and bidirectional to and fro flow was noted in 78%, 4% and 3% respectively. Among Porto-systemic collaterals was noted in 92% of the cases most common being spleno-renal and gastro-renal collaterals, seen in 87% of cases. Splenomegaly and ascites were seen in 93% and 85% cases respectively.
Conclusion: Portal hypertension is a commonly encountered clinical condition with multiple causes and several sequelae. Ultrasound is an accurate non-invasive tool giving significant hemodynamic information and helps in assessing etiology, severity and complications of Portal Hypertension.
Keywords- Portal Hypertension, duplex ultrasonography, cirrhosis, Porto-systemic collaterals.