Title: Management of Post Operative Mastalgia after Excision of Fibroadenoma with Use of A Vitamin E
Authors: Jain Neeraj Kumar, Maini Sunil, Khobragade Vicky, Jain Manjari
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i12.46
Background: Mastalgia is defined as a dull ache or heaviness in the breast. Post operative mastalgia is a common condition occurring in about 30% of women after operation. Mastalgia after Excision of fibroadenoma poses a significant problem to the surgeons. Post operative mastalgia can significantly affect the quality of life in some women. The major question that worries the patient is inadequate excision of swelling or the risk of malignancy. Reassurance plays a key role. This study was done to assess the efficiency of vitamin E in treating post operative mastalgia in young women. Method- Our prospective observational study was conducted at Department of General Surgery, R.K.D.F. Medical College & Research Centre, Bhopal, during period of November 2013 to November 2015. Total 320 cases of Breast Lump came in Hospital for treatment. FNAC and Core Biopsy was done in all cases. Patient with fibroadenoma were operated and included in the study. Patients were called for follow up on 15th day of surgery and patient with post operative breast pain were given Vitamin E (200mg od for 3 month) and their pain grading was done with Numerical pain grading scale .After 3 months follow up cases were assessed for mastalgia on Numerical pain grading scale. Result- In this study of 320 patients of Breast Lump, fibroadenoma was present in 221 (69.06%) patients and mastalgia after surgery was present in 94 (42.53%) patients. Out of 94 patients with Post operative mastalgia 74 (78.7%) recovered. In present study, significant (p value<0.001) association was found between postoperative mastalgia and use of vitamin E So it can be concluded that Vitamin E can be used to manage post surgery mastaliga in cases of fibroadenoma. Conclusion-: Oxidative stress may be the cause for mastalgia after surgery. Vitamin E at a dosage of 200 mg once daily for 3months has a significant role in the management of such cases. Keywords-Mastalgia, fibroadenoma, Vitamin E , Breast Lump, Breast pain.
Dr Neeraj Kumar Jain Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, RKDF Medical College And Research Centre, E-7/435, M.I.G., Arera Colony, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India Pin 462016 Phone (or Mobile) No.: +91-(782) 801-2235, +91-(942) 500-4592 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Abstract