Title: Clinical Profile of Fever with Thrombocytopenia in Tertiary Hospital, Jhalawar Medical College
Authors: Dr Raghunandan Meena, Dr Naresh Kumar Meena
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i12.39
Introduction- Fever with thrombocytopenia has become the commonest presenting problem in the medical wards. Various infectious causes are there for fever with thrombocytopenia. It is necessary to know the cause, which will be useful to give proper treatment to the patient. Aims: The object is to determine possible infective etiology for fever with thrombocytopenia and to study the presentation and complications of thrombocytopenia Material and Methods: This was a prospective study conducted on 100 patients with fever and thrombocytopenia, admitted in department of medicine and paediatrics, Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar Results-100 patients of fever with thrombocytopenia Dengue (43%) was the commonest cause of fever thrombocytopenia followed by Malaria (41%) and other viral fever. Maximum percent of bleeding seen at 20000 to 50000 cumm platelet count. Out of 100 patients 12 patients showed bleeding manifestations. The Commonest form of bleeding manifestation was petechiae in 10 patients followed by GI Bleed in 2%. We conclude that the febrile illness patients should be investigated for platelet count whether they have bleeding manifestations or not. Strong probability of dengue fever or other common causes like malaria, viral fever and enteric fever should be kept in mind in any case of fever. Keywords- Fever, thrombocytopenia, Malaria, Bleeding manifestation.
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