Title: A Study of ducts of Extra Hepatic Biliary System
Authors: Dr Rajashekhar Dundaraddy, Dr G M Mahesh
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v4i12.30
The Extra Hepatic Biliary Apparatus, its normal anatomy and variations of gall bladder, cystic duct, Common Bile Duct are forming an interesting study both anatomically as well as surgically. About one half of patients presenting with gall stones show a substantial variations from what is considered to be the normal anatomical pattern of the extra hepatic biliary tree and associated arteries. Unawareness of such anomalies during surgery of the biliary system may result in iatrogenic injuries. We herein present a very rare but surgically important type of anomalies.7 Serious injuries to the ducts leading to bile leakage, peritonitis, shock etc, contributing to morbidity and mortality. This is because of failure to recognize at operations unusual anatomic relationships or the persistence in adult life as vestigial ductal structures like accessory ducts. Keywords: Accessory hepatic duct, Accessory cystic duct, Gall bladder.
Dr Rajashekhar Dundaraddy Associate Professor, Department of anatomy, Karanataka Institute of Medical Sciences Hubli. 580021 Karnataka, India Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Mobile no 9448103377Abstract