Title: A Rare Case of Pyogenic and Tuberculous Co-Infection
Authors: Dr Vidhya.B, Prof. Dr. Uthaya Sankar.M.K, Dr A. Adrin Suthir
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v12i08.04
CNS co-infections by pyogenic and tuberculosis are uncommon infectious processes, with few cases reported to date. These superadded bacterial infections during CNS tuberculosis present usually atypical clinical manifestations. Bacterial meningitis is a rare but severe complication of patients with spondylodiscitis. CNS tuberculosis has a broad spectrum of disease patterns and a high risk of complications and mortality. Although bacterial infection of the central nervous system (CNS) is a life-threatening neurological emergency only few papers reported. Here We report a case of 48 year old diabetic male who was diagnosed with Neurotuberculosis with bacterial meningitis and cervical spondylodiscitis and treated with both Antibiotics and Anti-Tuberculous drugs and patient improved symptomatically.
Keywords: Bacterial meningitis, TB Meningitis, Cervical Spondylodiscitis, Anti-Tuberculous drugs.