Title: Cortico-basal Implants – The Ultimate Rescuer
Authors: Dr Nandan Rudra Paul, Dr Amrita Samanta, Dr Shyamanand C.
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v12i03.12
Immediately loaded, implant supported prosthesis is a novel advancement in oral implantology. Cortico-basal implants has the versatility and durability with reduced treatment time. These implants work on the principle of osseo-fixation, however, osseointegration of the implants eventually happens over a time period.
Cortico-basal implant supported prostheses came to the rescue, in our following cases, where a cortico-basal implant was placed in between 2 fractured, well osseo-integrated conventional implants. Another case with large periapical cyst encroaching into the right maxillary sinus floor eneucleated with the involved teeth leading to an oro-antral communication, closed surgically. Cortico-basal implants were placed bypassing the right sinus floor to restore the function. In another case of failed multiple endodontically restored teeth and even endosseous implants, cortico-basal immediate loading prostheses were placed to successfully restore both the jaws.
Cortico-basal implant supported prostheses is a graft less procedure with minimized chair side time, having optimum peri-implant soft tissue health, durable, with high success rate and are gradually emerging as a promising alternative in dental rehabilitation cases. Strategic implant placement of the cortico-basal implants has proved to be the ultimate rescuers in certain circumstances.
Keywords: Corticobasal, Endosseous, Implants, Osseofixation, Osseointegration.