Title: Planning and Development of Health Management Information Systems
Authors: Mohammed A Almutairi, Ali G Alziyadi, Abdulmohsen B Alzahrani, Fahad A Alghashmari
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v11i9.16
The research examines the field of Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) which are created and used in existing healthcare systems. It highlights the significance of HMIS as well as its advantages and drawbacks. Critical phases in the development of an HMIS are described in the methodology section. The existing findings support data-driven decision-making, improved patient care, cost savings, and higher data security. Among the difficulties include interoperability, data security, and workforce issues. In conclusion, HMIS is necessary for healthcare, requiring careful planning and investment to improve patient care, make the most of available resources, and ensure data security in a constantly evolving healthcare environment.