Title: To Compare the Effect of Land and Water Based Balance Training in Functional Ankle Instability
Author: Dr Ayasha Jhajjaria
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v11i9.02
Background: With increasing amount of leisure time and the current emphasis on the physical fitness, the incidence of sports injuries has increased dramatically. Ankle is one of the most common parts of the body to get injured during sports activities. Functional ankle instability is defined as recurrent or subjective feeling of giving way. The studies have shown that Functional Ankle Instability results in decreased ability to maintain balance & a decrease in joint position sense.
Aims & Objective: The primary aim of the study is to determine the effect of water & land-based balance training in Functional Ankle Instability.
Methods: 30 subjects with Functional Ankle Instability were selected for the study fulfilling the inclusion criteria. Each subject in both the groups underwent similar balance training protocol for 4 weeks (thrice a week) with at least 1 day rest between 2 training sessions. The pre & post-test readings were collected using Star Excursion Balance Test dynamic balance & One Leg Stance Test for static balance.
Result: The result of the study showed that there is significant difference between water & land-based balance training.
Conclusion: The water-based balance training has better effect of functional ankle instability.
Keywords: functional ankle instability, static balance, dynamic balance, SEBT, OLST.