Title: Security & Privacy of Electronic Health Records
Authors: Sultan O. Aladwani, Mohammed A. Almotairi
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v11i6.17
Healthcare facilities like hospitals and clinics are adopting new technology at a dizzying pace. However, confidentiality concerns are frequently neglected, placing healthcare institutions at risk of cyber security problems, fines, reputational harm, and even catastrophic patient implications. Clinical documentation, patient profiles, lab findings, imaging findings, and diagnostic procedures make up Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. EHRs are getting more and more complex with time, necessitating more and more data storage. In order to secure healthcare-based technologies and networks, new protection and security techniques are being explored with the growth of the IoT, Software as a service, and City Development platforms.
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