Title: Ollier’s Disease: 1 Case Report & Literature Review
Authors: Dr Loknadh Rao, Dr Rajani Kumar Giddi, Dr Lalchawiliana Ngente, Dr V. Karimullah
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v11i6.16
Ollier’s disease is a rare tumor of unknown etiology.
The main manifestation of this disease is a non‑ossifying chondrocyte mass or hamartomatous growth of a chondrocyte in the metaphysis. A few cases can develop into chondrosarcoma or osteosarcoma.
The present study describes the case of a 16‑year‑old female patient in King George Hospital, VSKP, Andra Pradesh, India seeking medical help for calf muscle cramps, stiffness, pain and non-progressive swelling of all fingers for the past 1 year.
The incidence of Ollier disease is low, and thus, it is not well‑known and due to its malignant transformation rate 20-30%, patients need to be followed up at regular intervals.
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