Title: An Occurrence of Silicosis Causing Tuberculosis
Author: Dr V. Sowndharya Meera
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v11i6.12
Silicosis is an occupational lung disease caused by an exposure to crystalline silica dust. As it causes fibrosis of lungs, it also paves the way for increased intracellular replication of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Here we present a case of a 45 year old man, a stone quarry worker with a history of prolonged exposure to silica dust. The patient presented with progressive cough, fever and weight loss. Sputum microscopy revealed presence of Acid fast bacilli. Radiographic imaging revealed bilateral nodular opacities in the upper lung zones; Pulmonary function test suggestive of restrictive pattern with reduced FVC and decreased diffusion lung capacity for CO. Thus this case highlights the importance of recognising and preventing silica dust exposure in occupational settings and need for early detection of TB and its management.