Introduction: Coronavirus affected all aged grouped patients. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) is the main pathogen which caused Coronovirus Disease 19 (COVID-19), initially detected in Wuhan City, China in Late 2019.Both young aged as well as elder aged persons were affected from Coronavirus. So, in our present study, we study about the prevalence of COVID-19 among different aged group of different location of Indore state.
Aims & Objectives
- To study the prevalence of positive COVID-19 cases (symptomatic) in different aged group patients.
- To study the prevalence of various variants of positive COVID-19 cases (symptomatic) among Rural and Urban area.
Materials and Methods: A total of 488 positive cases (Symptomatic) were included in our study aged between 0 to 90 years. Study was conducted in Department of Microbiology, Index Medical College and Research Center, Indore (M.P.) between 2020 to 2022.The Genome sequence of all the positive samples were identified through RT-PCR Test to detect the variant of COVID-19 and also to detected the symptomatic positive cases.
Results and Discussions: The prevalence of positive sample according to different aged group was showed and it found that highest number of positive cases was found between 11 to 20 years followed by 21 to 30 year aged group patients and the number was 183 and 166 respectively. That the prevalence of positive cases both in urban and rural area and the percentage of positive cases in urban and rural is 52.46% and 47.54% respectively. Out of 488 positive cases, 256 cases from urban area and remaining 232 cases from rural area.
Conclusion: Prevalence of Corona virus was much higher in younger group than that of elder one. The prevalence for both urban and rural region was common for Alpha variant followed by Delta variant. The prevalence of Urban region was slightly high than that of rural region. Regular health check should be done by the government both in private and government sectors and proper treatment should be given to the patients who were infected.
Keywords: Age, Urban, Rural, COVID-19.
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Corresponding Author
Rajesh Kumar Meena
Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Microbiogy, Index Medical College, Hospital and Research Center, Indore (M.P.)