Now a day’s price of health protection for a care unit patient has been three times more as compared to general word patient. Monitoring the care unit improvement is a major criteria with respect to control the major hospital expenses. To predict the outcome in an ICU the common illness severity scores are generally used which characterize the severity of diseases, depend on the rate of organ disorder and assessment of resources used for this purpose. Primarily, the separate types of scoring systems are used necessarily for the treatment purpose. Their compound uses provide a more correct symptom of disease intensity and prophecy to the doctor regarding duration of rest and mortality for the ICU patient. This paper gives brief overview of the generally used scoring system, examines the details regarding their development, qualified information concerning their execution. It is important and also necessary for all these marking approach will be modernize accordingly with times as care unit community increases, change in heterogeneity of diseases and new symptomatic, remedial and anticipating strategy become available day by day.
Keywords: Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS), Mortality Probability Model (MPM), Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE), Organ System Failure (OSF), Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA), Intensive Care Unit (ICU), length of stay (LOS).
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Corresponding Author
Prabhudutta Ray
Institute of Advanced Research, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India