Inguinal hernia is a common diagnosis in patients presenting with a painless and reducible groin swelling. Cough impulse and reducibility are the cardinal signs of inguinal hernia but both are absent in case of irreducible, obstructed and strangulated hernia. Although the diagnosis is usually made by physical examination, the content of the hernia sac and the extent of the following operation may vary. The usual finding is omentum, segment of small bowel and less commonly large bowel. Except in sliding hernia, the sigmoid colon is uncommonly found in an inguinal hernia, especially on the right side. We present an extremely rare case of an irreducible right inguinal hernia containing the sigmoid colon as content.
Keywords – Case report, Inguinal hernia, Sigmoid colon, Irreducible hernia.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Rohit Kumar
MS General Surgery, Senior Resident, Department of Surgery, Dr RPGMC Kangra at Tanda (HP)